茅原実里 - Celestial Diva | |
あなたの瞳に墜ちる宇宙が 永遠の世へと輝くなら 捧げましょう 秘めた想い いまsacrifice |
if the celestial space cascading into your eyes should illuminate an eternal world than i shall devote to you the feelings i secretly hold and perform now a sacrifice |
Anata no hitomi (me) ni ochiru uchuu ga Towa no yo e to kagayaku nara Sasagemashou Himeta omoi ima sacrifice |
天の彼方へ 飛び立つ為じゃなく 最期の瞬間 恋しい人を 包む為にあるの |
these wings were not meant to fly me to the far reaches of the heavens but to envelop my dearly beloved in my final moments |
Kono tsubasa wa ten no kanata e Tobitatsu tame ja naku Saigo no shunkan (toki) koishii hito wo Tsutsumu tame ni aru no |
ましてやこんなに血塗れた 炎色の千の羽なら 凍えた心の奥まで あたため撫でられる |
with these thousands of fiery feathers on my wings now deeply soaked in blood i shall stroke and thaw to the core that frozen heart |
Mashita ya konna ni chi mamireta Hiiro no sen no hane nara Kogoeta kokoro no oku made Atatame naderareru |
風に星に蓮に 生まれ変わっても ひとりずっと私 あなただけを見つめてる |
even if i were to reborn as the wind, or a star, or a lotus flower i shall remain alone forever with eyes for you, and only you |
Kaze ni hoshi ni hara ni Umare kawatte mo Hitori zutto watashi Anata dake wo mitsumeteru |
閉ざされた時代を生き抜いて その背覆いそうな闇は 翔る黒い馬 乗りこなせ きらめく鋼の腕でいつか 真実の平和を 抱きとめるまで |
live through this sealed period of time
the darkness that tries to cloud over your back shall serve as your black steed, so tame it until the time when you secure true peace in your gleaming steel arms |
Tozasareta jidai (ima) wo ikinuite
Sono se ooi sou na yami wa Kakeru kuroi uma norikonase Kirameku hagane no ude de itsuka Shinjitsu no heiwa wo dakitomeru made |
蒼穹は奏でるレクイエム 野垂れた者たちの夢沈む大地に |
a requiem will play in the azure skies
over the land where the dreams of the fallen souls sink |
Sookyuu (Sora) wa kanaderu REKUIEMU
Notareta monotachi no yume shizumu daichi ni |
強き神の手で創られた 聳え建つ世界の 始まりは 女神が零した 涙のひとしずく |
at the beginning, when the hands of the mighty god
molded this towering world the goddess shed a single tear |
Tsuyoki (Uwaki) kami no te de tsukurareta
Sobiedatsu sekai no Hajimari wa megami ga koboshita Namida no hitoshizuku |
だから人は愛を知るとき 哀しみの意味を悟る 今日も美しい夜明けへと 消える魂の蝶 |
and so when man learns to love
at the same time, he perceives the meaning of sorrow today, another butterfly of the soul vanishes into the beautiful dawn |
Dakara hito wa ai wo shiru toki
Kanashimi no imi wo satoru Kyou mo utsukushii yoake e to Kieru tamashii no chou |
虚無も夢魔も悪も 死をも 恐れない ここでずっと私 あなただけを待っている |
i fear not death
nor oblivion, nor nightmares, nor evil i shall remain here forever waiting for you, and only you |
Kyomu mo muma mo aku mo
Shi wo mo osorenai Koko de zutto watashi Anata dake wo matteiru |
運命が先にあって 命は選ばれるの? 望みつづけたら 誰にでも 未来は変えられる |
because your destiny was decided beforehand
is that why you choose to live? then if one continues to wish so anyone can change the future |
Unmei (Sadame) ga saki ni atte
Inochi wa erabareru no? Nozomi tsuzuketara dare ni demo Mirai wa kaerareru |
閉ざされた時代を生き抜いて その背覆いそうな闇は 翔る黒い馬 乗りこなせ きらめく鋼の腕でいつか 偽りの終焉 断ち切るときに |
live through this sealed period of time
the darkness that tries to cloud over your back shall serve as your black steed, so tame it the time when you sever off the false ending with your gleaming steel arms |
Tozasareta ima wo ikinuite
Sono se ooi sou na yami wa Kakeru kuroi uma norikonase Kirameku hagane no ude de itsuka Itsuwari no shuuen tachikiru toki ni |
サンクトゥス 眠れる者たちの夢が生む大地で |
a sanctus will be sung for light to awaken over the land where the dreams of the resting souls are born |
Mezame yo hikari SANKUTUSU
Nemureru monotachi no yume ga umu daichi de |
そして私の瞳の宇宙で 生きていて | and you shall live on in the celestial space in my eyes |
Soshite watashi no me no uchuu de ikiteite |