JAM Project - No Border | |
Just now それは今弾けたんだ 僕の中で突然 地図でしか知らないのに 何かがそう離れないんだ |
Just now, something suddenly burst open in my chest. Even though I recognize that place only on a map, it doesn't feel faraway at all. |
JUST NOW sore ha ima hajiketanda Boku no naka de totsuzen Chizu de shika shiranai no ni Nani ka ga sou hanarenainda |
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君のいた一枚の絵は 僕らが背負う現実を今 突きつけてる |
That one photo with you in it has thrust upon us the heavy reality we shoulder. |
Kimi no ita ichimai no e wa Bokura ga seou genjitsu wo ima tsukitsuketeru |
微かに差し出された 小さな腕を見落とすな 生き抜くための力を 持たない幼い命 |
Do not overlook that small arm that's faintly holding out for help. It's a tender life that lacks the power to survive alone. |
Kasuka ni sashidasareta Chiisana ude wo miotosuna Ikinuku tame no chikara wo motanai osanai inochi |
いったい時代は僕らに 何を求めてどこへ導くんだろう 安易な同情や言葉は虚しく響くだけ だから僕ら歩き出そう 君への道を辿って行こう 君の声に応えたいから 越えてゆけるはずさ borderline |
Just what does this era want from us? To where is it guiding us...? Only indifferent pities and words echo emptily. So let's start walking, start pursuing a road that will eventually lead to you Because we want to respond to your voice, we should be able to cross that border line. |
Ittai jidai wa bokura ni nani wo motomete Doko he michibikun darou... An'ina doujou ya kotoba ha munashiku hibiku dake Dakara bokura arukidasou Kimi he no michi wo tadotteikou Kimi no koe ni kotaetai kara koeteyukeru hazu sa BORDER LINE |
It's true それは決して偶然じゃない 誰かに仕組まれた出来事 境界線とその向こう側の 真実を伝えたいんだ |
It's true; it must be something planned by someone out there. He merely wants to convey to the world the truth at the borderline and its beyond. |
IT'S TRUE sore ha kesshite guuzen janai Dare ka ni shikumareta dekigoto Kyoukaisen to sono [mukou gawa] no Shinjitsu wo tsutaetainda |
降りしきる雨に打たれ 我武者羅に叫び続けたよ No more war! |
Beaten by the violent rainstorm, they kept on screaming "No more war!" |
Furishikiru ame ni utare Gamushara ni sakebitsuduketa yo NO MORE WAR! |
わずかに残された 生存への道を見落とすな 暗闇の中儚く揺れてる希望の光 |
Do not overlook that faint but only road to survival. It's a transient light of hope swaying in the darkness. |
Wazuka ni nokosareta Seizon he no michi wo miotosuna Kurayami no naka hakanaku yureteru kibou no hikari |
こんな世界で僕らは 明日を信じて何度も立ち向かってく 共存や繁栄の理想も偽りの幻 どんな未来でも逃げない ただ君を今救いたい だから君に信じて欲しい 愛はあるよここに |
In such a world, we believe in tomorrow and fight relentlessly. The ideals of coexistence and coprosperity are mere illusions. We will not run from any future, we just want to save you now. So we want you to believe that there is love over here. |
Konna sekai de bokura wa ashita wo shinjite |
戦争の代償はいつでもそう 一番弱い者がペイしてる Bullshit! もうたくさん Bullshit! もうたくさん No border! 愛を唱えろ No more tears! 意識を変えろ No border! No more hate! No more war! No more kill! |
The weakest always have to pay the price of war. Bullshit! Too much already! Boo bullshit! Too much already! No border! Sing about love! No more tears! Think differently! No border! No more hate! No more war! No more kill! |
Sensou no daishou ha itsudemo sou ichiban yowai mono ga PAY shiteru BULLSHIT! Mou takusan BOO BULLSHIT! Mou takusan NO BORDER! Ai wo tonaero! NO MORE TEARS! Ishiki wo kaero! NO BORDER! NO MORE HATE! NO MORE WAR! NO MORE KILL! |
いったい時代は僕らに 何を求めてどこへ導くんだろう 安易な同情や言葉は虚しく響くだけ だから僕ら歩き出そう 君への道を辿って行こう 君の声に応えたいから 越えてゆけるはずさ borderline |
Just what does this era want from us? To where is it guiding us...? Only indifferent pities and words echo emptily. So let's start walking, start pursuing a road that will eventually lead to you Because we want to respond to your voice, we should be able to cross that border line. |
Ittai jidai ha bokura ni nani wo motomete Doko he michibikun darou... An'ina doujou ya kotoba ha munashiku hibiku dake Dakara bokura arukidasou Kimi he no michi wo tadotteikou Kimi no koe ni kotaetai kara koeteyukeru hazu sa BORDER LINE |
Just now それは今弾けたんだ 僕の中で突然 地図でしか知らないのに 何かがそう離れないんだ |
Just now, something suddenly burst open in my chest. Even though I recognize that place only on a map, it doesn't feel faraway at all. |
JUST NOW sore ha ima hajiketanda Boku no naka de totsuzen Chizu de shika shiranai no ni Nani ka ga sou hanarenainda |