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奧井雅美 - 空にかける橋 |
Bridge stretching into the sky |
(スイトゥンドゥエヤ スオディンルヤ) 空を駆けて未来へと |
(SOMEDAY SURELY) We'll dash through the sky to the future |
(SUITOuNDOuEYA SUODINRUYA) Sora o kakete mirai e to |
ぎゅっと手を取り合いはしゃいでた丘 今日もあの日と変わらない風のにおいがした 「いにしえの思い出」「穢れなき瞳たち」 かすかに呼び戻されて交差する記憶 |
Tightly holding each others'
hands, we played around on the hill Unchanged from that day even today, despite having chased the wind 'Ancient memories' 'pure eyes' Dimly calling back intersecting memories |
Gyutto te o tori ai
hashaideta oka Kyou mo ano hi to kawaranai kaze no ni oigashita 'Inishie no omoide' 'Kegarenaki hitomi tachi' Kasukani yobi modosarete kousasuru kioku |
(セイファート クレーメル) 大地と太陽どんな時も全てを抱きしめた |
(SEYFERT CRAYMEL) The ground and the sun embrace everything at once |
(SEIFAADO KUREEMERU) Daichi to taiyou donna toki mo subete o dakishimeta |
大切な君を守りたいよ今 涙こぼれたらそっと風になる(エルル・ティアン・ティウトゥン) 頑なにとじた(トゥウムド)扉なら開けて欲しい さぁ飛びだして未来へと |
I want to protect the precious
you now When your tears overflow, they will softly turn into wind (ALL THE TIME) If there's a stubbornly closed door (MIND), I want to open it Come on, let's fly out to the future |
Taisetsu na kimi o mamoritai
yo ima Namida kobore tara sotto kaze ni naru (ERURU-TIAN-TIUDOuN) Kataku nani tojita (TOuUMADO) tobira nara akete hoshii Saa tobi dashite mirai e to |
憎みあう心と愛し合う心って 同じくらい誰かのことずっと思っている それは鏡の中 映りこんだ自分が ふたつの心を持って生きているように |
Hearts that hate and hearts that
love Are the same as much as they're always thinking about someone That is the self that I see reflected in the mirror Living as if I had two hearts |
Nikumi au kokoro to aishi au
kokorotte Onaji kurai dareka no koto zutto omotte iru Sore wa kagami no naka, utsuri konda kibun ga Futatsu no kokoro o motte ikiteru youni |
(ブイムド)出会えた仲間はやさしさにすべてを変えて行く | (BOND) The friends I have met change everything into kindness |
Ahh...(BUIMUDO) deaeta nakama wa yasashisa ni subete o kaete yuku | |
大切な人を守りたいよ今 ずっとひとりきり強いふりしてた(エルイムグ・バウティア) ゆずれない願い(トゥウムド)重ね合わせいっしょに さぁ新しい未来へと |
I want to protect the people precious to me now |
Taisetsu na hito o mamoritai
yo ima Zutto hitorikiri tsuyoi furishiteta (ERUIMUGU-BAUTIA) Yuzurenai negai (TOuUMADO) kasane awase isshoni Saa atarashii mirai e to |
もしも暗闇に心とらわれて 光 求めてる誰かがいたなら・・・ |
If someone comes searching for
light When my heart is seized with darkness... |
Moshimo kurayami ni kokoro
tora warete Hikari, motometeru darekaga itanara... |
大切な君を守りたいように この手さしだせる勇気を持ちたい (ワアエスン・エドディンエトゥ) 大きな力を(トゥウムド)与えられた今なら そう旅立てる未来へと あの空を駆けて未来へと |
Because I want to protect the
precious you I want to take the courage held out to me (CHASE A DREAM) If I'm given (MIND) great strength now That's right, I'll set off for the future I'll dash through that sky to the future |
Taisetsu na kimi o mamoritai
youni Kono te sashi daseru yuuki o mochitai (WAAESUN-EDODINEDOu) Ookina chikara o (TOuUMADO) ataerareta imanara Sou tabidateru mirai e to Ano sora o kakete mirai e to |