LiSA - Yuukei Yesterday

(Mekakucity Actors ED2)
Yuukei Yesterday  
注ぐ太陽浴びて 楽しげに

睨みながらに 横切っていく
The excited faces of people
Bathing in the pouring sun
I glare and cut through
A morning after an all-nighter
Sosogu taiyou abite tanoshige ni
Hashagu hito no kao o

Nirami nagara ni yokogitte iku
Tetsuya ake no asa de
腹が立って 憮然な私の目を

「おはよう」って言って 伸びをする
寝癖立ってる あいつが立ってた
Past the people who dodged me
Who’s in a bad mood and eyes disappointed
Saying “hello” and doing a stretch
With messy hair, you were standing
Hara ga tatte buzen na watashi no me o
Saketa hito no saki ni

"Ohayou" tte itte nobi o suru
Neguse tatteru aitsu ga tatteta
気がついたら 目が合う様な
淡い恋だなんて 興味も湧かないな
When you realize, the eyes meet
A sweet romance, not interested at all
Ki ga tsuitara me ga au you na
Awai koi da nante kyoumi mo wakanai na
だけど なんでだろう
But I wonder why
I can’t see your face
Dakedo nande darou
Kao o mirenai
「関係ないよ、だって・・・あぁ、腹が立つ!」 “I don’t have anything to do with it, because…….ugh, so annoying!”
"Kankei nai yo, datte... aa, hara ga tatsu!"  
見つけた太陽 睨みつけて
高鳴った胸に 蓋したって
Even if I glare at the sun I found
Even if I put a lid on this thumping heart
Mitsuketa taiyou niramitsukete
Takanatta mune ni futashitatte
この感情抑えられないな 気持ち悪くって
なんだろう 変な気持ちだ
Can’t hold this feeling in, it feels disgusting
I don’t know, it’s a weird feeling
Kono kanjou osaerarenai na kimochi waruku tte
Nandarou hen na kimochi da
wow wow wow

謎に緊張しちゃって 声が裏返った
wow wow wow
My attitude shows on my face
For some reason I got nervous and my voice squeaked
Wow wow wow
Taido ga kao ni dechatte

Nazo ni kinchou shichatte koe ga uragaetta
なんだか 馬鹿な私だ
“I don’t understand this situation! So annoying!”
I’m acting a bit stupid
"Kono joukyou mou wakannai yo! Atama ni kuru!" tte
Nandaka baka na watashi da
Today again, the classroom is normal and I yawn
Next to the window, only the two of us
Kyoushitsu wa kyou mo heibon de akubi ga deru
Futari kiri no madobe
気にしちゃうんだよ 暇な態度で
It bothers me, even if I turn on the radio
With a bored attitude
Ki ni shichaun da yo hima na taido de
Rajio o nagashite mo
立ち上がった私は 油断していて
I stood up but wasn't paying attention
And is clearly seen through
Tachiagatta watashi wa yudan shiteite
Rokotsu ni barete shimau

That the headphone
I was pretending to listen to
Was connected to nowhere
Kiita furi shiteita
Heddofon ga

Zutto doko ni mo tsunagattenai koto
「時が経てば 忘れる様な
そんなもんでしょ」って どこかで強情で
“If time goes on, I’ll forget, something like that”
I was somewhat stubborn
"Toki ga tateba wasureru you na
Sonna mon desho" tte doko ka de goujou de
だけど なんでかな

But I wonder why
I can’t put it into words
Even if I’m in a bad mood, no words come out
Dakedo nande ka na
Kuchi ni dasenai

Haratatteita tte, kotoba mo denai

なんだか 随分弱気ね
Carefully “Lets show with my attitude”
I sealed away my words and once again ran in circles
“This feel, if it’s going to go on, then it’s not so bad”
Feeling a bit cowardly
Shinchou ni "taido de tsutaeyou" tte
Kotoba o fuujikonde kyou mo karamawatta

"Kono kanji, tsuzuku no nara waruku mo nai?" tte
Nandaka zuibun yowaki ne
wow wow wow

wow wow wow
“You look in a good mood today”
“Can’t you tell that I’m annoyed?”
I pinched your cheeks
Wow wow wow
"Nanka gokigen da ne" tte

"Haratatteru no wakannai no?" tte hoho o tsunetta
鈍感なその態度 気に食わないんだ
どうしよう 今日がもう終わっちゃう
That insensitive attitude, it makes me annoyed
Oh no, today is going to end
Donkan na sono taido ki ni kuwanainda
Doushiyou kyou ga mou owacchau
もう一回 太陽睨みつけて
Glaring at the sun once again
“Don’t dawn yet!”
I sucked in my breath
Mou ikkai taiyou niramitsukete
"Shizumu no chotto matte yo" tte iki suikonda
The thumping heart hurts a bit
An extraordinary feeling
Takanatta mune ga kurushikutte
Nandaka toppi na kimochi da
「伝えたいよ」って 走りだした
この感情もう解らないよ 爆発しそうだ
“I want to tell you” so I started running
This feeling won’t stop, it’s going to explode
"Tsutaetai yo" tte hashiridashita
Kono kanjou mou wakaranai yo bakuhatsu shisou da
太陽が 沈む前に
なんとか 伝えたいから
Before the sun dawns
I want to tell you somehow
Taiyou ga shizumu mae ni
Nantoka tsutaetai kara
どうにかしてよ 神様 God, please do something
Douni ka shite yo kamisama