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鈴木このみ - Days of Dash Suzuki Konomi - Days of Dash (Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo ED) |
Suzuki Konomi - Days of Dash | |
過ぎるだけの時間じゃ悔しい 刻まなくちゃ ここにいると心が叫ぶ瞬間 I'm dreaming |
It's frustrating how time does nothing but elapse I have to count the passing minutes The moment you are with me my heart screams out I'M DREAMING |
sugiru dake no jikan ja kuyashii kizamanakucha koko ni iru to kokoro ga sakebu shunkan I'm dreaming |
迷いながら涙を飲み込んだ 不器用だね 夢も遠回り |
I swallowed my tears when I was lost I'm clumsy right? I get lost in my dreams |
mayoinagara namida o nomikonda bukiyou da ne yume mo toomawari |
大空を見上げなにも言えず 胸が痛む訳 考えていた |
Looking up at the sky without saying a word I wondered why my heart was aching |
oozora o miage nanimo iezu mune ga itamu wake kangaeteita |
DASH 風を走り抜けて‥ 君と僕の中で 何が始まったのだろう わからないけど きらきら光る太陽が照らす場所を ずっと進もう 永遠など知らないけれど |
DAYS OF DASH Keep on running through the wind What has started inside you and me? I don't understand it Let's continue to head towards the place where the brightly sparkling sun shines Even though we will never understand |
DAYS of DASH kaze o hashirinukete... kimi to boku no naka de nani ga hajimatta no darou wakaranai kedo kirakira hikaru taiyou ga terasu basho o zutto susumou eien nado shiranai keredo |
だから前を向くんだ 焦りつつも 扉開けて飛びだしてみたい衝動 |
I'm not strong, that's why I always looked ahead
In my impatience I had the urge to open the door and fly out |
tsuyoku nai yo dakara mae o muku nda
aseritsutsu mo tobira akete tobidashitemitai shoudou |
あふれ出した感情抱きしめ 怖くないよ 共にいる限り |
Embracing my overflowing feelings
I'm not scared, as long as you are here |
afuredashita kanjou dakishime
kowaku nai yo tomo ni iru kagiri |
青空に投げた熱い希望 あきらめるなんてあり得ないよ EYES to EYES 言葉いらない世界 君と僕の世界 今が始まったのだろう わかりかけてる 未来をさぐる覚悟決めた途端 もっと変わる 永遠への繋がり探したい もっと… |
There is no way that I will give up
on my warm hopes that escaped into the sky EYES TO EYES Right now our world is starting A world where words aren't needed I'm beginning to understand The second we decide to explore the future It changes even more I want to search for the connection to eternity More and more |
aozora ni nageta atsui kibou
akirameru nante arienai yo EYES to EYES kotoba iranai sekai kimi to boku no sekai ima ga hajimatta no darou wakarikaketeru mirai o saguru kakugo kimeta totan motto kawaru eien e no tsunagari sagashitai motto... |
大空を見上げなにも言えず 胸が痛む訳 考えていた |
Looking up at the sky without saying a word
I wondered why my heart was aching |
oozora o miage nanimo iezu
mune ga itamu wake kangaeteita |
DASH 風を走り抜けて 君と僕の中で 何が始まったのだろう わからないけど きらきら光る太陽が照らす場所はどこに 何を始めようとしてる? I'm a dreamer もう言葉いらない世界 君と僕の世界 今が始まったのだろう わかりかけてる 未来をさぐる覚悟決めた途端 もっと変わる 永遠など知らないけれど |
Keep on running through the wind What has started inside you and me? I don't understand it Where is the place where the brightly sparkling sun shines? What are you trying to start? I'm a dreamer Right now our world is starting A world where words aren't needed anymore I'm beginning to understand The second we decide to explore the future It changes even more Even though we will never understand |
DAYS of DASH kaze o hashirinukete kimi to boku no naka de nani ga hajimatta no darou wakaranai kedo kirakira hikaru taiyou ga terasu basho wa doko ni nani o hajimeyou to shiteru? I'm a dreamer mou kotoba iranai sekai kimi to boku no sekai ima ga hajimatta no darou wakarikaketeru mirai o saguru kakugo kimeta totan motto kawaru eien nado shiranai keredo |