You can ask for the location of item X, using
doko (where). |
マクドナルド は どこ です か。 |
Where is McDonald's? |
makudonarudo wa doko desu ka? |
マクドナルド は あそこ/そこ/ここ です。 |
McDonald's is over there / right there near
you / right here. |
makudonarudo wa asoko / soko / koko desu. |
You can describe where things are by using some of the location words below: |
みぎ |
to the right of |
migi |
ひだり |
to the left of |
hidari |
まえ |
in front of
mae |
うしろ |
behind |
ushiro |
なか |
inside |
naka |
うえ |
on/above |
ue |
した |
shita |
そば |
near, at the side of |
soba |
ちかく |
near |
chikaku |
となり |
next to (both objects are in the same
category) |
tonari |
よこ |
beside (in relation to another item, even is
they are quite distinct) |
yoko |
The format is as follows: |
X は Y の
/location word/ です。 |
X is /location/ Y. |
ぎんこう は としょかん の となり です。 |
The bank is next to the library. |
ginkoo wa toshokan no tonari desu. |
かさ は テーブル の した です。 |
The umbrella is under the table. |
kasa wa teeburu no shita desu. |
The particle で - de is used in
these cases: |
X は Y と Z の
あいだ です。 |
X is between Y and Z. |
レストラン は デパート と びょういん の あいだ です。 |
The restaurant is between the department
store and the hospital. |
resutoran wa depaato to byooin no aida desu. |
One can use any of the above location words
together with a verb to describe an event that occurs in the
To use these phrases with verbs such as taberu (eat)
and matsu (to wait), one will need the particle de. |
わたし は
ハーゲンダッツ の まえ で メアリー さん を まちました。 |
I waited for Mary in front of the Haagen-Dazs
place. |
watashi-wa haagen-datsu no mae de mearii san wo
machimashita. |
yoko usage (for the objects in the two
distinct classes, categories) |
でんわ は トイレ の よこ です。 |
The telephone is by the restroom. |
denwa-wa toire no yoko desu. |
not |
でんわ は トイレ の となり です。 |
The telephone is side by side with the
restroom |
denwa-wa toire no tonari desu. |