Frequency adverbs are added to indicate how often something is done. |
of frequency adverbs are : |
まいにち |
everyday |
mainichi |
よく |
often |
yoku |
ときどき |
sometimes |
tokidoki |
わたし は ときどき きっさてん に いきます。 |
I sometimes go to a coffee shop. |
watashi-wa tokidoki kissanten ni ikimasu. |
It is also important to remember that adverbs of infrequency
must be
followed by a negative at the end of the sentence. |
~ません |
~masen |
Adverbs of infrequency: |
ぜんぜん |
never - not at all |
zenzen |
あまり |
(not) too much - not often, not very much |
amari |
わたし は ぜんぜん テレビ を みません。 |
I do not watch TV at all. |
watashi-wa zenzen terebi-o mimasen. |
たけし さん は あまり べんきょう しません。 |
Takeshi does not study (very) much. |
takeshi-san-wa amari benkyoo-shimasen. |