"one week period in, three times" |
isshuu-kan-ni, san-kai |
You can describe the frequency of events over a period of time by using the
following framework: |
(period) に (frequency) (frequency) per (period) |
私は一週間に三回髪を洗います。 |
I shampoo three times a week |
watashi-wa, isshuu-kan-ni, san-kai, kami-o
araimasu. |
私は一か月に一回家族に電話をかけます。 |
I call my family once a month. |
watashi-wa, itsu-ka getsu-ni, itsukai, kazoku-ni denwa-o
kakemasu. |
父は一年に二回旅行をします。 |
My father goes on a trip twice a year. |
chichi-wa, ichi-nen-ni, ni-kai, ryokoo-o shimasu. |