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カラフィナ ring your bell / Kalafina (fate/stay night Unlimited Blade Works ED) |
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Kalafina - ring your bell | |
いつか心が消えてゆくなら せめて声の限り 幸福と絶望を歌いたい |
If my soul is to someday disappear, At the very least, Until my voice gives out. I'd like to sing of joy and despair, |
itsuka kokoro ga kiete yuku nara semete koe no kagiri koufuku to zetsubou o utaitai |
僕らを待つ運命は いつでもただ 命が夢を見て駆け抜ける 今の続き |
The fate awaiting us, Is always nothing more, Than life dreaming as it dashes through, A continuation of the present. |
bokura o matsu unmei wa itsudemo tada inochi ga yume o mite kakenukeru ima no tsudzuki |
君が泣いた夜はその中に 遠い未来の輝きを隠してた 静けさが君を待つ 眩しい丘 きっと行ける 君の地平へ ring your bell, and raise your song |
On nights you cried, There was the shine of a far off future hidden within. You can surely go, To that blinding hill, Where silence awaits you; To your own horizon! So ring your bell, and raise your song! |
kimi ga naita yoru wa sono naka ni tooi mirai no kagayaki o kakushiteta shizukesa ga kimi o matsu mabushii oka kitto yukeru kimi no chihei e ring your bell, and raise your song |
君がそんなに欲しがっていた 光が消えてゆく 何度でもその時を知っている |
That light you wanted so badly, Begins to disappear; You've experienced that moment so many times. |
kimi ga sonna ni hoshigatteita hikari ga kieteyuku nandodemo sono toki o shitteiru |
蒼白い道の上に立ち塞がり 未来へ行く足を止めるのは 君の心だけ |
The only thing that stands guard along this pale road, Stopping your legs from proceeding to the future, Is your heart. |
aojiroi michi no ue ni tachifusagari mirai e iku ashi o tomeru no wa kimi no kokoro dake |
夜明けはまだ遠い 明るい星も見えない だから窓を開いて 風に乗り響くだろう 明日を呼ぶ君の調べ 闇の中へ ring your bell |
The dawn is still far off, The bright stars invisible, So open up your window, And it will resound through the wind: Your melody calling out the future, As it heads into the darkness! So ring your bell! |
yoake wa mada tooi akarui hoshi mo mienai dakara mado o hiraite kaze ni norihibiku darou ashita o yobu kimi no shirabe kimi no naka e ring your bell |
君へと続いてた道の 君から続いて行く道の 眩しさはきっと消えないから |
The brightness of the paths that led up to you... The brightness of the paths that will lead from you... ... will surely never fade! |
kimi e tsudzuiteta michi no kimi kara tsudzuiteyuku michi no mabushisa wa kitto kienai kara |
君が泣いた夜の向こうには まだ何も無い 始まりが広がる 風に乗り消えるだろう 明日を呼ぶ君の調べ 遠い地平へ 木霊を残して ring your bell, and raise your song |
Beyond the nights you shed tears, An still unfilled beginning, Will unfold. It will take to the wind and vanish, Your melody calling out the future, As it heads for the far off horizon... ...leaving echoes of spirit behind. So ring your bell, and raise your song! |
kimi ga naita yoru no mukou ni wa mada nanimo nai hajimari ga hirogaru kaze ni norikieru darou ashita o yobu kimi no shirabe tooi chihei e kodama o nokoshite ring your bell, and raise your song |