Ogura Yui - Honey Come!!

(Joukamachi no Dandelion ED)

城下町のダンデライオン ED

小倉唯 - Honey♥Come!!  
Pick me, Please.....  
Should be done スケジュールびっしりで目まぐるしいDays
レッスンやプランニングに高鳴るHeart Beat
守備範囲ガードしても アクシデント遭遇したり
チェックボックス マークを追加
I’ve a schedule of things that should be done, these are packed and hectic days
All these lessons and planning is making my heart beat faster
Even if I guard my defensive perimeter, I do come across accidents
Adding a mark on the checkbox
Should be done SUKEJUURU bisshiri de memagurushii Days
RESSUN ya PURANNINGU ni takanaru Heart Beat
shubi han'i GAADO shitemo AKUSHIDENTO souguu shitari
レンズに映った私 どんな表情(かお)
What expression of mine is being reflected in those lenses?
Energetic? Cheerful? Prim (a prim and proper girl)?
I want to show you my natural expression but, wait, which one’s a secret?
RENZU ni utsutta watashi donna kao
genki? gokigen? osumashi?
sotto su no kao o oshietai, n~,, himitsu,,, docchi!?!?
はにかむところなおんない Honey♥Come!! ギュッとね守って
はにかむココロ見せたら Honey♥Come!! 夢シェアできる?
きっとできる! 未来変わる!!
はにかむけど一緒にハッピー Honey♥Come!! かなえてみたい
私推しのキミが大事 笑顔にさせてあげたい
届け 純粋な所信表明(マニフェスト) ハ・ニ・カ・ム
Honey Come!! My bashful side won’t go away
Honey Come!! Protect me tightly
These supporting hands will become my wings
Honey Come!! If I show you my bashful heart
Honey Come!! Will I be able to share my dreams with you?
I’m sure I will be! The future will change!!
Honey Come!! I’m bashful but we’re happy together
Honey Come!! I want to try making it come true
You, who support me, are dear to me, and I want to make you smile
Reach out, my pure manifesto!
Honey Come!!
hanikamu tokoro na on nai Honey Come!! gyutto ne mamotte
sasae no te ga hane ni naru yo
hanikamu KOKORO misetara Honey Come!! yume SHEA dekiru?
kitto dekiru! mirai kawaru!!
hanikamu kedo issho ni HAPPII Honey Come!! kanaete mitai
watashi oshi no KIMI ga daiji egao ni sasete agetai
todoke junsui na MANIFESUTO HA-NI-KA-MU
Pick me, Please.....  
Tap & Swipe 発信(メッセージ)へのアクセス嬉しいけど
その分 リムーブされちゃうとHeartache
Fallin' LOVE いつのまに ねぇ私 恋してたの!?
I’m delighted to have access to these messages with a tap and swipe but
If it’s removed, I get a heartache
Since when did I fall in love? Say, have I even been in love before!?
I’m concerned about the abundance of replies
Tap & Swipe MESSEEJI e no AKUSESU ureshii kedo
sono bun RIMUUBU sare chau to Heartache
Fallin' LOVE itsunoma ni nee watashi koi shiteta no!?
RESU bakka konna ki ni shite
噂やイメージ ひとり歩きする
実は進化中 伝えたい、ん~、、秘密、、、どっち!?!?
I walk alone, amongst these rumors and images
My hairstyle, my habits, my interests –
they are actually in the middle of progressing. I want to tell you all these but, wait, which one’s a secret?
uwasa ya IMEEJI hitori aruki suru
kami mo kuse mo shumi mo
jitsu wa shinkachuu tsutaetai, n~,, himitsu,,, docchi!?!?
はにかむところなおんない Honey♥Come!! うんとねそば来て
なんてごめん わがままかな
はにかむようなリクエストも Honey♥Come!! どうぞ聞かせて
はにかむけど一緒に歌 Honey♥Come!! 奏でていたい
決して曲げないよ 所信表明(マニフェスト) ハ・ニ・カ・ム
Honey Come!! My bashful side won’t go away
Honey Come!! Come be by my side
I’m sorry, I wonder if I’m being selfish
Honey Come!! Even if it’s a bashful request
Honey Come!! Please do let me hear it
Your honest opinions are my energy
Honey Come!! I’m bashful, but I want to play this song
Honey Come!! Together with you
I will spare no efforts in making sure that you do not regret supporting me
It’ll never waver, my manifesto!
Honey Come!!
hanikamu tokoro na on nai Honey Come!! unto ne soba kite
nante gomen wagamama kana
hanikamu youna KUESUTO mo Honey Come!! douzo kikasete
sunao na koe ga ENAJII nano
hanikamu kedo issho ni uta Honey Come!! kanadete itai
watashi oshi o koukai sasenai tame no doryoku wa oshimanai
kesshite magenai yo MANIFESUTO HA-NI-KA-MU
Flower Shopに並ぶ花々(はな)が どれも等しく綺麗でも ね?
違う香り 違う光り 放つように
These flowers lined up in the flower shop are all equally beautiful, but even so
Just as they have different scents and different glows,
I too, am probably not the same as anyone else
Flower Shop ni narabu hana ga doremo hitoshiku kirei demo ne?
chigau kaori chigau hikari hanatsu youni
watashi mo, nitenai no, dare tomo... tabun.
お願いっ 私だけ見て じょうずに云えたらいいのに
はにかむココロ見せたら Honey♥Come!! 夢シェアできる?
きっとできる! 未来変わる!!
はにかむけど一緒にハッピー Honey♥Come!! かなえてみたい
私推しのキミが大事 笑顔にさせてあげたい
届け 純粋な所信表明(マニフェスト)
キミのエール 熱いエール 絶対!無駄にしないよ ハ・ニ・カ・ム
”Please, have eyes for me only” If only I could say that out well
Let me gaze at you forever
Honey Come!! If I show my bashful heart
Honey Come!! Will I be able to share my dreams with you?
I’m sure I will be! The future will change!!
Honey Come!! I’m bashful but we’re happy together
Honey Come!! I want to try making it come true
You’re dear to me, supporting me, and I want to make you smile
Reach out, my pure manifesto!
Your cheers, your passionate cheers, will definitely, never ever be put to waste
Honey Come!!
onegai watashi dake mite jouzu ni ietara ii noni
KIMI o zutto mitsumesasete
hanikamu KOKORO misetara Honey Come!! yume SHEA dekiru?
kitto dekiru! mirai kawaru!!
hanikamu kedo issho ni HAPPII Honey Come!! kanaete mitai
watashi oshi no KIMI ga daiji egao ni sasete agetai
todoke junsui na MANIFESUTO
KIMI no EERU atsui EERU zettai! muda ni shinai yo HA-NI-KA-MU
Pick me, Please.....