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vivid brilliant door! / Sphere (Denpa
Kyoushi OP) |
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スフィア - vivid brilliant door! | |
ready steady knock knock the door! it’s time to go all out! よーいどん! |
ready steady knock knock the door! it’s time to go all out! Ready… go! |
ready steady knock knock the door! it’s time to go all out! yooi don! |
スタートしてどれくらい来ただろう もう振り返ったってあれれ蜃気楼? 自由に空を飛んで一騒ぎ 支度万全余裕しゃくしゃく このまま太陽にキスしちゃうよ |
Just how far have I come since I began? At this point, looking back, it’s almost like a mirage?! Flying freely through the sky in a single go; completely prepared, calm and composed – at this point I’m gonna kiss the sun! |
sutaato shite dorekurai kita darou mou furikaettatte arere shinkirou? jiyuu ni sora o tonde hitosawagi shitakubanzen yoyuu shakushaku konomama taiyou ni kisu shichau yo |
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センセーション立て続き いてもたってもいられない まだあるでしょ ねえ反撃のチャンス ああ現実と希望を繋げてくれるドアはどこだろ やりたいことだけ ほらやってなくちゃ 僕が僕でいられない |
Erecting sensations, I just can’t stay still – I’m sure I still have a chance to make a counterattack! Ahh, where is the door that will connect reality to my dreams? If I do anything other than what I want, I won’t be able to remain myself! |
senseeshon tatetsudzuki itemotattemo irarenai mata arundeshou nee hangyaku no chansu aa genjitsu to kibou tsunagetekureru doa wa doko darou yaritai koto dake hora yattenakucha boku ga boku de irarenai |
行くよ!本日快晴 全速前進で (革命はまだまだ) いつも ギリギリが似合うね 止まれない年頃でしょ じゃあセッション開始 ちょっとぐらいなら (High!) 前のめりでいい? |
Here we go! The day is clear and we’re full speed ahead! (But the
revolution is far from here!) Keeping ourselves on the brink has us looking our best – we’re at the age where we just can’t stop! So let’s start this session – if I keep it within reason (High!), do ya mind if I dive right in? |
iku yo honjitsu kaisei zensoku zenshin de (kakumei wa madamada) itsumo girigiri ga niau ne tomarenai toshigoro desho jaa sesshon kaishi chotto gurai nara (High!) mae nomeri de ii? |
今全世界をジャックして 奇跡だって起こすから つまり本気出して行くしか無いよね 賛成多数! (yes!) |
‘Cause I’m gonna hijack the world and maybe even create a
miracle! In other words, we have no choice but to give it our all; the majority vote says yes! (yes!) |
ima zensekai o jakku shite kiseki datte okosu kara tsumari honki dashite iku shika nai yo ne sansei tasuu (yes!) |
夢のため焦り過ぎなんじゃない そう立ち止まったってたまにはいいでしょう? break 息を吸って一休みしたら装填始動bang!bang! まだまだfeverは続きますよ |
Don’t you think you’re trying a little too hard for your
dreams? Yeah, I’m sure it’s all right if you just stand around once in a while! Break, take a breath, and have a rest… then start reloading and bang!bang! – the fever is gonna keep on going! |
yume no tame aserisugi nanjanai sou tachidomattatte tamani wa ii deshou? break iki o sutte hitoyasumi shitara soutenkaishi bang!bang! madamada fever wa tsudzukimasu yo |
僕が問いかけて 君が言葉を返して 心ノートに 書き留めた答えが ちゃんと輝いてるって証明すればドアは開くから しかめっ面とか ふくれっ面には もうお休みいただこう |
I ask a question, and you respond in words: the answer you’d written down in the notebook of your heart. I’m sure the door will open if we prove we’re shining bright, So let’s put to rest all our frowns and sulky faces! |
boku ga toikakete kimi ga kotoba o kaeshite |
行くよ!エンジン全開 痛快一直線 (障害は邪魔邪魔) だよね 時と場所なんてのは 憚らなくて結構です ペロって舌を出しちゃう アーメン反則は (please!) 見逃して欲しい! |
Here we go! Our engines are full throttle, on a direct course to
thrills! (Obstacles, nothing but a bother!) Don’t ya think? We don’t need to hesitate about things like the right time and place! When I stick my tongue out at you, treading upon the amen we share, (please!) just let it slide! |
iku yo! enjin zenkai tsuukai icchokusen (shougai wa jamajama) dayone toki to basho nante nowa habakaranakute kekkou desu pero tte shita o dashichau aamen hansoku wa (please!) minogashitehoshii |
ただ終着点はナイショだよ 僕にもわかんないし 手抜きなんて道理はありませんね? |
It’s just that our destination’s a secret – I
don’t even know! But I can’t think of a reason for us to hold back! |
tada shuuchakuten wa naisho dayo boku nimo wakannai shi tenuki nante douri wa arimasen ne? |
ready steady open the door! it’s time to take up peace,fair! |
ready steady open the door! it’s time to take up peace,fair! |
繋がったなら (let’s celebrate) 僕達だけのお祝いをしよう 明日も明後日も 来年でも いつの日にも この気持ちを 思い出せる様に |
If we’ve managed to connect, (let’s celebrate) Let’s have a celebration for you and I alone! So that we can always remember this feeling tomorrow… the day after… next year… every day! |
tsunagatta nara (let’s celebrate) bokutachi dake no oiwai o shiyou ashita mo asatte mo rainen demo itsu no hi nimo kono kimochi o omoidaseru youni |
楽しい瞬間はいつか終わっちゃうね (バイバイはやだやだ) だけどドアが繋がってれば すぐに絶対また会えるよ (yeah!) |
The fun times will eventually come to an end… (I don’t wanna
say bye-bye!) But if we’re connected to that door, I can see you again whenever I please! (yeah!) |
tanoshii shunkan wa itsuka owacchau ne (baibai wa yadayada) dakedo doa ga tsunagattereba sugu ni zettai mata aeru yo (yeah!) |
行くよ!本日快晴 全速前進で (革命はまだまだ) いつもギリギリが似合うね 止まれない年頃でしょ じゃあセッション開始! ちょっとぐらいなら (High!) 前のめりでいい? |
Here we go! The day is clear and we’re full speed ahead! (But the
revolution is far from here!) Keeping ourselves on the brink has us looking our best – we’re at the age where we just can’t stop! So let’s start this session – if I keep it within reason (High!), do ya mind if I dive right in? |
iku yo honjitsukaisei zensoku zenshin de (kakumei wa madamada) itsumo girigiri ga niau ne tomarenai toshigoro desho jaa sesshon kaishi! chotto gurai nara (High!) maenomeri de ii? |
今全世界をジャックして 奇跡だって起こすから つまり本気大正解ってことで良いよね 判定します 一見でalright! 全会可決! (yes!) |
‘Cause I’m gonna hijack the world and maybe even create a
miracle! In other words, you understand I’m serious and right on point, right? I’m gonna deliver my verdict: with a single glance, alright! Everyone in attendance approves! (yes!) |
ima zensekai o jakku shite kiseki datte okosu kara tsumari honki daiseikai tte koto de ii yo ne hantei shimasu ikken de alright! zenkaikaketsu! (yes!) |