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分島花音- Killy Killy JOKER | |
アンバランス 最高の未来へ向かう世界へようこそ 真実は偏にカードの裏/表 解けないまま |
Welcome to an unbalanced world
That leads you to a great future Its reality is solely down to the two sides of the cards That you can't fully grasp |
ANBARANSU Saikou no mirai e mukau sekai e youkoso Shinjitsu wa hitoe ni KAADO no ura/omote Tokenai mama |
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捲り目眩く目紛しいステージで その絡まった感情を満足いくまで何回も壊してしまえ |
On this quickfire stage bedazzling with every card flip
The tangled emotions that you have break them down again and again until you're satisfied! |
Mekuri mekurumeku memagurushii SUTEEJI de
Sono karamatta kanjou o manzoku iku made nankai mo kowashite shimae |
運命に手招きされ彷徨う明日は 何を選んで何を手放し一つになれば良いんだろう 詰った手札を晒す余裕なんてないよ |
For tomorrow that has lost its way when beckoned by fate
Wouldn't it be better if I get to select and discard in just one single step? I can't just easily show the cards that I loathe |
Unmei ni temaneki sare samayou ashita wa
Nani o erande nani o tebanashi hitotsu ni nareba ii'ndarou Najitta tefuda o sarasu yoyuu nante nai yo |
乾いた後悔の海を飲み干す日々は 限られた言葉でいつしかの笑顔を許して欲しいんだろう (鬱鬱)現実を忘れたって構わないよ だから今は知らないでいたい |
For the days of drinking from this arid sea of regrets Wouldn't it be nice if I can eventually make a smile with these limited words It wouldn't bother me if I lose touch of reality so For now I prefer not to know |
Kawaita koukai no umi o nomihosu hibi wa Kagirareta kotoba de itsushika no egao o yurushite hoshii'ndarou Utsutsu o wasuretatte kamawanai yo Dakara ima wa shiranai de itai |
ねぇ? | Right? |
Nee? | |
Why don't you want an ideal world?
Why don't you play for foul yourself. Why do you choose on your own for the future? Why do you want to step into the world? |
Why don't you want an ideal world?
Why don't you play for foul yourself. Why do you choose on your own for the future? Why do you want to step into the world? |
狭く迫り来る責め立てるストーリーの その綻んだ出口が塞がってしまう前に逃げ出したいよ |
Before this impending relentless story
Seals away its tattered exit I wanna flee from it |
Semaku semarikuru semetateru SUTOORII no
Sono hokoronda deguchi ga fusagatte shimau mae ni nigedashitai yo |
運命に手招きされ彷徨う明日は 自分の意志で分かれ道を進んで行きたい 乾いた後悔の海を飲み干す日々は 有限の刹那で思い切り笑いあいたい |
For tomorrow that has lost its way when beckoned by fate
I just want to choose the path I'm going on my own free will For the days of drinking from this arid sea of regrets I just want to really smile together for one brief moment |
Unmei ni temaneki sare samayou ashita wa
Jibun no ishi de wakaremichi o susunde ikitai Kawaita koukai no umi o nomihosu hibi wa Yuugen no setsuna de omoikiri waraiaitai |
運命に手招きされ彷徨う私は 強ばった右手をそれでも固く握りしめているんだろう 守ったJOKERもうこれだけが全て |
For me who has lost my way when beckoned by fate
My right hand is stiff yet would still keep clenching tightly on This Joker I had kept away which is all that I have left |
Unmei ni temaneki sare samayou watashi wa
Kowabatta migite o soredemo kataku nigirishimete iru n darou Mamotta JOKER mou kore dake ga subete |
乾いた後悔の海を飲み干す君は 溺れた狭間で失ってしまった愛しさを知るんだろう 現実は変えられるって信じたいよ だから現状をルーザーなんて言わない |
For you drinking from this arid sea of regrets The moment you drown into it you will find once again that loving feeling that you had lost I would like to believe that I can change this reality so Right now I'm not calling anyone a loser |
Kawaita koukai no umi o nomihosu kimi wa Oboreta hazama de ushinatte shimatta itoshisa o shiru'ndarou Utsutsu wa kaerareru tte shinjitai yo Dakara genjoo (ima) wo RUUZAA nante iwanai |