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昆夏美 - 虹のかけら | |
明日もこうして 君のそばにいて 同じ時を過ごしていたいな ゆっくりページを めくるようにまた増やしていこう 君とのしるし |
When tomorrow comes, I want to be by your side, experiencing each
second with you. As I turn each page of our book carefully, I’ll collect the proof of our time together. |
ashita mo kou shite kimi no soba ni ite onaji toki o sugoshiteitai na yukkuri peeji o mekuru you ni mata fuyashiteikou kimi to no shirushi |
言葉に出来ないこと押し寄せてきても 大丈夫 こわがらなくていいよ | Even if something I can’t put into words comes our way, it’ll be alright; there’s no need to fear! |
kotoba ni dekinai koto oshiyosetekitemo daijoubu kowagaranakute ii yo | |
君を連れ去りにゆくよ 果てしないあの空へと 感じるままに描こう 明日という虹の橋を 君が落とした忘れ物 僕がきっと探し出すよ 何度でも会いたいから 大切な輝く笑顔に |
I’ll come and sweep you away, onward toward an endless sky, As we paint that rainbow bridge known as “tomorrow”. Without a doubt, I’ll search out the things you lost along the way, ‘Cause I want to see you again and again, with your precious, shining smile. |
kimi o tsuresari ni yuku yo hateshinai ano sora e to kanjiru mama ni egakou ashita to iu niji no hashi o kimi ga otoshita wasuremono boku ga kitto sagashidasu yo nando demo aitai kara taisetsu na kagayaku egao ni |
失くしたものたち数えるよりも 今ここにあるものを信じて 考えすぎたってきっとダメになるばかり 不器用な翼でも飛べるよ |
Rather than counting the thing we’ve lost, we should believe what
we have before us. Thinking too much will surely make things fall apart; we can still fly with a shoddy pair of wings. |
nakushita monotachi kazoeru yori mo ima koko ni aru mono o shinjite kangaesugitatte kitto dame ni naru bakari bukiyou na tsubasa demo toberu yo |
君と走り出したいよ どこまでも続く道を 遠回りばかりじゃない ゆっくり前に進んでいる こぼれた時のしずくが心に流れ落ちたら 君はもう一人じゃない いつだって僕がいるからね |
I want to run with you down an unending road, Not always taking the long way around, just slowly moving forward. When a droplet of time drips into the flow of our hearts, You’ll no longer be alone, ‘Cause I’ll always be right here. |
kimi to hashiridashitai yo doko made mo tsudzuku michi o tomawari bakari janai yukkuri mae ni susundeiru koboreta toki no shizuku ga kokoro ni nagareochitara kimi wa mou hitori janai itsu datte boku ga iru kara ne |
もしも君がつらい時は 僕が雲の隙間から顔出す太陽のように照らしたい だからどんなときもずっと 見逃したりはしないよ 過ぎ去るこの一瞬の 全てを |
If you’re ever having a hard time, I want to be like the sun, peeping out through a break in the clouds to shine upon you. So no matter what, I won’t miss a thing; Not a single passing instant! |
moshimo kimi ga tsurai toki wa boku ga kumo no sukima kara kao dasu taiyou no yo ni terashitai dakara donna toki mo zutto minogashitari wa shinai yo sugisaru kono isshun no subete o |
雨降り空でも明日になれば 風は止み陽はまた昇っていく | There may be rainy skies, but when tomorrow comes the wind will slow and the sun will rise again. |
amefuri sora demo ashita ni nareba kaze wa yami hi wa mata nobotteiku | |
君と刻んでいきたい これから始まる日々を 心にフタをしないで あるがまま歩いていこう 繰り返す日々の中で 見つけてゆく宝物 いつの日も胸に抱いて 大切な輝く笑顔に |
I want to keep track of each new day together, So let’s leave our hearts uncovered and walk onward just as we are. Amidst each repetitive day, we’ll discover many treasures, Holding them close forever more, with a precious, shining smile. |
kimi to kizandeikitai kore kara hajimaru hibi o kokoro ni futa o shinaide aru ga mama aruiteikou kurikaesu hibi no naka de mitsuketeyuku takaramono itsu no hi mo mune ni daite taisetsu na kagayaku egao ni |
何度でも会いに行くよ | I’ll always go to meet you. |
nando demo ai ni yuku yo |