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BACK-ON – ニブンノイチ | |
『ひとりじゃない』僕ら繋がってるから 未来(あす)へと踏み出したくなったんだ それぞれの夢の色をつないで この空に鮮やかな虹をかけよう! |
I’m not alone, because our hearts are connected. Just that makes me want to take a step towards tomorrow Let’s connect all the colors of our dreams and create a rainbow that shines with brilliance on this sky above us |
janai” bokura tsunaga terukara Asu e to fumidashitaku natta nda Sorezore no yume no iro o tsunaide kono sora ni azayakana niji o kakeyou |
これといって取り柄もない 劣等感と歩いて自信だってない 『ってゆーかそれで楽しいの?』って キミは笑って僕を追い越してく… |
Saying this won’t make any difference, but… I don’t have the spirit nor confidence to keep walking ‘What’s so fun about that?’ You smiled and went ahead of me |
Kore to itte torie mo nai Retsutookan to aruite jishin datte nai “Tte yuu ka sore de tanoshii no?” Tte kimi wa waratte boku o oikoshite ku… |
ココロの中で一人になるとFlash back! ならシンクロさせてMash up! キミとなら出来そうさRight now! Ready set go!! |
When I feel lonely from the bottom of my heart FLASHBACK I synchronize with you MASH UP Together it feels like when can do it RIGHT NOW, READY SET GO! |
Kokoro no naka de hitori ni naru to Flash back! Nara shinkuro sa sete Mash up! Kimi tonara deki-soo sa Right now! So ready set go!! |
『ひとりじゃない』って思えた瞬間(とき)から 叶えられそうな気がしたんだ |
I’m not alone, ever since I’ve known that Everything seems possible Along with that everlasting smile, You’ll grab my hand and we’ll walk on~! |
“Hitori janai” tte omoeta toki kara Kanae rare-soona ki ga shita nda |
変わらないいつもの笑顔のままで キミは僕の手を掴んで 歩き出すよ | |
Kawaranai itsumo no egaonomamade kimi wa boku no te o tsukande aruki dasu yo |
自分だって信じられないくらい 期待感でもっと未来がみたい 『ってゆーかこれマジやばくない?』って 僕は笑ってキミと歩いてる… |
Not being able to believe in myself enough there’s only a feeling of hope that looks forward to tomorrow ‘Isn’t that a bit dangerous?’ I smiled and walked along with you |
Jibun datte shinji rarenai kurai kitai-kan de motto mirai ga mitai “Tte yuu ka kore majiyabakunai?” Tte boku wa waratte kimi to aruiteru… |
今解き放て無限の可能性 自分で閉じ込めるのはNo way! 後はココロが示す方へ! Ready set go!! |
Now open up the limitless possibilities Don’t imprison yourself NO WAY Go in the direction that your heart points at READY SET GO! |
Ima tokihanate mugen no kanoosei jibun de tojikomeru no wa No way! Ato wa Kokoro ga shimesu ho e! So ready set go!! |
『ふたりなら』不可能なんてないさ そう思えたのはキミがいたから 僕にない強さとキミが持ってない チカラを重ねて 飛び立つよ… |
If we’re together, there’s no such thing as impossible I feel that way because you’re there You make up for the strength that I lack With our strengths overlapping we’ll Take off~! |
“Futarinara” fukanoo nante nai sa soo omoeta no wa kimi ga itakara Boku ni nai tsuyo-sa to kimi ga motte nai Chikara o kasanete tobitatsu yo… |
『ひとりじゃない』って思えた瞬間(とき)から 叶えられそうな気がしたんだ 変わらないいつもの笑顔のままで キミは僕の手を掴んで 歩き出すよ |
I’m not alone, ever since I’ve known that Everything seems possible Along with that everlasting smile, you’ll grab my hand and we’ll walk on~! |
“Hitori janai” tte omoeta toki kara Kanae rare-soona ki ga shita nda Kawaranai itsumo no egaonomamade kimi wa boku no te o tsukande aruki dasu yo |
『ふたりなら』不可能なんてないさ そう思えたのはキミがいたから 僕にない強さとキミが持ってない チカラを重ねて 飛び立つよ… |
If we’re together, there’s no such thing as impossible I feel that way because you’re there You make up for the strength that I lack With our strengths overlapping we’ll Take off~! |
“Futarinara” fukanoo nante nai sa soo omoeta no wa kimi ga itakara Boku ni nai tsuyo-sa to kimi ga motte nai Chikara o kasanete tobitatsu yo… |
立ち止まるな Don’t stop! そばにいるから Don’t cry! キミはもう一人じゃない! Everything’s gonna be alright!! |
Don’t stand still DON’T STOP Because I’m by your side DON’T CRY You’re not alone anymore EVERYTHING’S GONNA BE ALRIGHT |
Tachidomaru na Don’t stop! Soba ni irukara Don’t cry! Kimi wa moo hitorijanai! Everything’s gonna be alright!! |
進みだせ 今 Go now! 二人だったら No doubt! キミはもう一人じゃない! Everything’s gonna be alright!! |
Proceed now GO NOW Because we’re together NO DOUBT You’re not alone anymore EVERYTHING’S GONNA BE ALRIGHT |
Susumi dase ima Go now! Futaridattara No doubt! Kimi wa moo hitorijanai! Everything’s gonna be alright!! |