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Idolmaster - キラメキラリ | |
フレーフレー頑張れ!!さあ行こう♪ フレーフレー頑張れ!!最高♪ |
Hooray Hooray go for
it!! Let's go!♪ Hooray Hooray go for it!! It's the best!♪ |
FUREE FUREE ganbare!!
Saa ikou♪ FUREE FUREE ganbare!! Saikou♪ |
どんな種も蒔けば芽立つんです マルマルス-パースター どんな芽でも花になるんです ハナマルスーパースタート |
Any and all seeds
sprout and become a bud, Completely like a SUPER STAR! Any and all buds become flowers, A gold star SUPER START! |
Donna tane mo makeba
me tatsun desu Marumaru SUUPAA SUTAA Donna me demo hana ni narun desu Hanamaru SUUPAA SUTAATO |
お金じゃ買えない程大事です アッパレスーパーガール 笑う門には福来たるです ヒッパレスーパールール |
Things you can't buy
with money are important, I’m a splendid SUPER GIRL! Coming from my smile is a wonderful fortune, Hit Parade SUPER RULES! |
Okane ja kaenai hodo
daiji desu Appare SUUPAA GAARU Warau kado ni wa fuku kitaru desu Hippare SUUPAA RUURU |
晴れがあって 雨があって さあ虹がデキル 心と夢で 未来がデキル |
The clear day ends, the rain is subsiding, Now a rainbow that will come out! With my heart and aspirations, I can make my future! |
Hare ga atte Ame ga atte Saa niji ga dekiru Kokoro to yume de Mirai ga dekiru |
ミラクルどこ来る?待っているよりも 始めてみましょう ホップステップジャンプ!! |
Where is the miracle
coming from? Rather than waiting, I’ll try making it myself! HOP STEP JUMP!! |
MIRAKURU doko kuru?
Matteiru yori mo Hajimete mimashou HOPPU SUTTEPU JANPU!! |
キラメキラリ ずっとチュッと 地球で輝く光 キラメキラリ もっとMOREっと 私を私と呼びたい トキメキラリ きっとキュンッと 鏡を見れば超ラブリー トキメキラリ ぐっとギュッと 私は私がダイスキ |
Dazzling Sparkles is
always with a kiss, this light will shine within the whole world! Dazzling Sparkles more and more, I want to call myself “me”! Throbbing Sparkles is surely pulsating! If I look at the mirror, I’m so~ lovely~! Throbbing Sparkles tight and tightly I really like this me! |
Kiramekirari zutto
chutto Chikyuu de kagayaku hikari Kiramekirari motto MORE tto Watashi o watashi to yobitai Tokimekirari kitto kyuntto Kagami o mireba chou RABURII Tokimekirari gutto gyutto Watashi wa watashi ga daisuki |
フレーフレー頑張れ!!さあ行こう♪ フレーフレー頑張れ!!最高♪ |
Hooray Hooray go for
it!! Let's go!♪ Hooray Hooray go for it!! It's the best!♪ |
FUREE FUREE ganbare!!
Saa ikou♪ FUREE FUREE ganbare!! Saikou♪ |
どんな卵だってカエルんだぞ ワクワクテカカ 金色じゃなくても眩しいんだぞ ドキドキピカカンカン |
Eggs of every shape
and size will all still hatch! What could it be? We can't wait! Even if it isn't gold, it shines so brightly! Such an exciting feeling! |
Donna tamago datte
kaerun da zo Wakuwaku tekaka Kin'iro ja nakute mo mabushiin da zo Dokidoki pika kankan |
ランプと壷を買ってみたんだぞ アラアラウララ クシャミが擦ってみてみんだぞ アダブラカタブラ |
I tried to buy a lamp
and vase, Oh oh so pretty~! I tried wiping my nose after sneezing! Adabrakadabra~! |
RANPU to tsubo o
katte mitan da zo Araara urara Kushami ga kosutte mitemin da zo ADABURAKATABURA |
宇宙から 見れば地球も 流れ星 だから願いは 叶っちゃうかな? |
From space, I can see the world and a shooting star too! Is that why wishes can come true? |
Uchuu kara Mireba chikyuu mo Nagareboshi Dakara negai wa Kanacchau kana? |
東京特許許可局 許可却下どっちか? 神様!!のの様!! お願い♪ |
Tokyo tokkyo kyoka
kyoku kyoka kyakka...which was it? God!! Any God!! Please~!♪ |
Toukyou tokkyo kyoka
kyoku kyoka kyakka docchi ka? Kamisama!! Nonosama!! Onegai♪ |
キラメキラリ ちょっとフラット それでも私のメロディー キラメキラリ ピッとビビッと 元気に歌えたらALL OK テキパキラリ パッとパパッと お楽しみまだこれから テキパキラリ GOODニカッと 最後に笑うのはワ・タ・シ |
Dazzling Sparkles is
a bit flat… however, it’s my own melody! Dazzling Sparkles really vivid! If I happily sing it’s ALL OK! Quick Sparkle is faster and faster! I wait for the fun that comes after this! Quick Sparkle as a GOOD divalent of 2! The one laughing last is dear~ol~me! |
Kiramekirari chotto
FURATTO Sore demo watashi no MERODII Kiramekirari pitto bibitto Genki ni utaetara ALL OK Tekipakirari patto papatto Otanoshimi mada kore kara Tekipakirari GOOD nikatto Saigo ni warau no wa wa-ta-shi |
(Guitar solo come on!!) | (Guitar solo come on!!) |
キラメキラリ 一度リセット そしたら私のターン キラメキラリ プッと「ポチっとな」 元気に始めればALL OK |
Dazzling Sparkles
reset just once, and then it will be my turn! Dazzling Sparkles with the press of a button If I start everything happily, it’s ALL OK! |
Kiramekirari ichido
RISETTO Soshitara watashi no TAAN Kiramekirari putto "pochittona" Genki ni hajimereba ALL OK |
テキパキラリ ホットハート 白黒だけじゃつまらない テキパキラリ ちゃんとチャチャッと オキラクゴクラクの虹へ |
Quick Sparkle Hot
Heart! If everything was just black and white, it’s boring… Quick Sparkle perfectly fly toward the heavenly pleasant Rainbow! |
Tekipakirari HOTTO
HAATO Shirokuro dake ja tsumaranai Tekipakirari chan to chachatto Okiraku gokuraku no niji e |
キラメキラリ ずっとチュッと 地球で輝く光 キラメキラリ もっとMOREっと 私を私と呼びたい |
Dazzling Sparkles is
always shinning, this light will shine with the world! Dazzling Sparkles more and more, I want to call myself “me”! |
Kiramekirari zutto
chutto Chikyuu de kagayaku hikari Kiramekirari motto MORE tto Watashi o watashi to yobitai |
トキメキラリ きっとキュンッと 鏡を見れば超ラブリー トキメキラリ ぐっとギュッと 私は私がダイスキ |
Throbbing Sparkle is
surely pulsating! If I look at the mirror, I’m so~ lovely~! Throbbing Sparkle tight and tightly I really like this me! |
Tokimekirari kitto
kyuntto Kagami o mireba chou RABURII Tokimekirari gutto gyutto Watashi wa watashi ga daisuki |
フレーフレー頑張れ!!さあ行こう♪ フレーフレー頑張れ!!最高♪ |
Hooray Hooray go for
it!! Let's go!♪ Hooray Hooray go for it!! It's the best!♪ |
FUREE FUREE ganbare!!
Saa ikou♪ FUREE FUREE ganbare!! Saikou♪ |
フレーフレー頑張れ!!さあ行こう♪ フレーフレー頑張れ!!最高♪ |
Hooray Hooray go for
it!! Let's go!♪ Hooray Hooray go for it!! It's the best!♪ |
FUREE FUREE ganbare!!
Saa ikou♪ FUREE FUREE ganbare!! Saikou♪ |