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FictionJunction YUUKA - Nowhere | |
魂の話を聞かせてよ 瞳を逸らさず見つめてよ 貴方は私が何処にもいないと思ってる |
Tell me the story of your soul. Look at me without turning your eyes away. You think that I am non-existent. |
tamashii no hanashi wo kikasete yo hitomi wo sorasazu mitsumete yo anata wa watashi ga doko nimo inai to omotteru |
見えない場所まで走るなら 要らない飾りは振り捨てて 心を剥き出しにしても荷物は重すぎるの |
If you run to the unseen place, and leave behind the unnecessary decorations, even with an empty heart, the load is too heavy |
mienai basho made hashiru nara iranai kazari wa furisutete kokoro wo mukidashi ni shitemo nimotsu wa omosugiru no |
吹けば飛ぶ様な夢だけが 二人を結んでる | Only the dream, that flies when blown, links the two people. |
fukeba tobu yona yume dake ga futari wo musunderu |
全てを見せる星の導きに背いて まっすぐに駆け上がる 空にある扉へ どこまでも私は行くの |
Disobey the guidance of the all-showing star, and run straight up towards the door in the sky, I will go anywhere. |
subete wo miseru hoshi no michibiki ni somuite massugu ni kakeagaru sora ni aru tobira e doko made mo watashi wa yuku no |
花びらの黄色い寂しさを 二つの心で舐め合えば 貴方は孤独が此処から消えると思ってる |
The yellow loneliness of petals If it can experience the hearts of two, I think your loneliness will disappear from then on. |
hanabira no kiiroi sabishisa wo futatsu no kokoro de nameaeba anata wa kodoku ga koko kara kieru to omotteru |
今だけ欲しい慰めより 乾いた流行の笑いより 私は貴方の真ん中が見たいと思ってるの |
More important than the consolation desired now, More important than the temporary laughter, I think I want to see the inner you. |
ima dake hoshii nagusame yori kawaita hayari no warai yori watashi wa anata no mannaka ga mitai to omotteru no |
全てを見せる星の導く優しい明日 本当の貴方と本当の私が 出会える場所まできっと行けるはず |
The gentle tomorrow that the all-showing star shown. More importantly, to move towards the bright future. |
subete wo miseru hoshi no michibiku yasashii ashita | |
それより明るい未来へと行くから 運命に背いて 涙を散らして それでも会いたい We will reach to nowhere land Take me to the nowhere land |
sore yori akarui mirai eto yuku kara | |
魂の話を聞かせてよ 瞳を逸らさず見つめてよ 花びらの黄色い寂しさを 振り向かず二人は何処まで行こうと思ってるの |
Tell me the story of your soul. Look at me without turning your eyes away. The yellow loneliness of petals will not turn around, so I wonder where will the two of us go. |
tamashii no hanashi wo kikasete yo hitomi wo sorasazu mitsumete yo hanabira no kiiroi sabishisa wo furimukazu futari wa doko made yukou to omotteru no |
全てを見せる星の導きに背いて まっすぐに駆け上がる 空にある扉へ |
Disobey the guidance of the all-showing star, and run straight up towards the door in the sky, |
subete wo miseru hoshi no michibiki ni somuite massugu ni kakeagaru sora ni aru tobira e |
優しげに微笑む運命に背いて 貴方にもし私を捜す勇気があれば どこにでも私はいるの |
resist the gentle, smiling fate. If there is courage in you to find me, I will be everywhere. |
yasashige ni hohoemu unmei ni somuite anata nimoshi watashi wo sagasu yuuki ga areba doko ni demo watashi wa iru no |
* hontou no anata yo hontou no watashi ga deaeru basho made kitto ikeru hazu unmei ni somuite namida wo chirashi te sore demo aitai we will reach to nowhere land take me to the nowhere land * |
* The real you and the real me, will definitely reach our meeting spot. Disobey fate, scatter tears, even so I want to meet you. we will reach to nowhere land take me to the nowhere land * |