
水樹奈々 - ヒメムラサキ
Mizuki Nana - Hime Murasaki
(Violet princess)

(Basilisk ED)
アニメ バジリスク~甲賀忍法帖~ ED 1

水樹奈々 - ヒメムラサキ Violet princess
夕闇にささめく あなたの調べに溶けてく
引き寄せ合う眼差しに 永遠を感じて
As our gazes meet and pull us towards each other, they feel eternity
And life silently flows through the air
You whisper in the twilight, I melt as I watch you intently
yuuyami ni sasameku anata no shirabe ni toketeku
hikiose au manazashi ni eien wo kanjite
shizuka ni mebuiteku inochi
運命-ほし-の巡り 狂おしくかき乱して
壊れゆく 胡蝶の夢
The dew of my feelings scatters in a delicate dance on the spring wind
Violently disturbing what's written in the stars
and destroying the dreams of the butterflies.
haru no kaze ni harahara to maichiru omoi no tsuyu wa
hoshi no meguri kuruoshiku kakimidashite
kowareyuku kochou no yume
遠ざかる足音 震える背中に染みゆく
漆黒の天の海に 全てを投げ捨てて
The sound of footsteps gets farther away, leaving a permanent mark on my trembling back
Into the jet-black celestial sea, I throw everything away
Wishing for your happiness
toozakaru ashioto furueru senaka ni shimiyuku
shikkoku no ama no umi ni subete wo nagesutete
anata no shiawase wo negau
情熱-あい-の河はさえさえと この身を振り動かして
声なき声響かせる 虚しき日々
重ねてく 雨夜の月
The river of love serenely seems to be carrying this body
Whose voiceless voice resonates uselessly day after day
As the moons on these rainy nights go on and on.
ai no kawa wa saesae to kono mi wo furi ugokashite
koe naki koe hibikaseru munashiki hibi
kasaneteku amayo no tsuki
終わりなき嵐に 打ち砕かれて 果てても… In this endless storm I can destroy this and end this...
owarinaki arashi ni uchikudarete hatete mo...  
歴史-とき-に忘られようとも 色褪せずに
The dew of my feelings scatters in a delicate dance on the spring wind
But its color fades, like anything else that can be forgotten in time*(5)
And it follows where you go.
haru no kaze ni harahara to maichiru omoi no tsuyu wa
toki ni wasurareyou to mo iroasezu ni
tsutau tada anata dake ni