Russian for English speakers
Song 36

Ледовое побоище

Battle of the Ice

В битве, произошедшей 5-го апреля 1242 года,
русские войска под предводительством Александра Невского
разбили полчища Тевтонского ордена.

In a battle that took place on April 5,1242,
Russian troops, led by Aleksandr Nevskiy,
smashed to pieces hordes of Teutonic Knights.

Псы-рыцари в тяжёлых железных латах,
которых заманили на хрупкий лёд Чудского озера,
проламывали лёд
камнем шли на дно.

Dogs-knights in their heavy iron armor,
that were lured onto fragile ice of Chudskoe lake,
crashed down through the ice and
"as stone went on bottom" - went right to the bottom.



Август (Олег Гусев) - Ответный удар


Остры шипы, а кольчуги плотны,
Сегодня сразимся с врагами страны
Они жгут иконы и гусли жгут
Им нужен только наш рабский труд

Sharp are the thorns and chain-mails (armors) are tight
Today, we'll fight with enemies of the country/state
They burn (our) icons (of god) and gusli (musical instrument) they burn
(All) they need is our work as slaves ("slavery work")

Идут свиньей, а за поясом кнут
Но нашей слабости пусть не ждут
Остры шипы, а кольчуги плотны,
Сегодня сразимся с врагами страны
"They go by pig" ("pig" battle array), and (they have) whip in the belt ("behind belt whip")
But they should not [better] wait for our weakness
Sharp are the thorns and chain-mails (armors) are tight
Today, we'll fight with enemies of the country/state
Припев: Долг наш прост и задача проста
Не пропустить рыцаря – пса (2 раза)

Duty our is simple and task is simple
To not let pass [of the / this] knight-dog.

Во имя порядка, во имя любви
Нас изо дня в день угнетали они.
Вот озеро треснуло, тронулся лед
Псы – рыцари тонут, народ наш поет

In the name of order (orderly form), in the name of love
Us, from day to day, were oppressing they (they oppressed)
(And look) here lake  has cracked, the ice has /moved from it's place/
Dogs-knights are drowning, our folk is singing ("folk our sings")