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Elementary Level Chinese readings: Story 窗外 (Outside of the
Window) |
窗外 chuāng wài | Outside of the Window |
1 | |
小的时候,听过一个故事。 故事中有两个年轻女子。 有一个有心脏病, 叫小梅。 |
When I was little, I heard about a story. There were two young ladies in the story. One of them was called Xiao Mei, who had heart problems. |
xiǎode shíhou, tīng guò yī gè gùshi。 gùshi zhōng yǒu liǎng gè niánqīng nǚzǐ。 yǒu yī gè yǒu xīnzàngbìng, jiào xiǎo méi。 |
另一个很健康,叫珍珍。 有一天,小梅摔了一交,右腿断了,住进了医院。 |
The other one was very healthy, called Zhen Zhen. One day, Xiao Mei had a fall and broke her right leg. She was sent to the hospital after that. |
lìngyī gè hěn jiànkāng, jiào zhēn zhēn。 yǒu yī tiān, xiǎo méi shuāi le yī jiāo, yòu tuǐ duàn le, zhù jìn le yīyuàn。 |
摔交 shuāi jiāo fall down |
而珍珍也在同一天出车祸,两条腿都断了。 因为住在同一间病房,她们就这样认识了。 |
Zhen Zhen was injured in a car accident on the same day, had both of her
legs broken. They therefore stayed in the same room in the hospital and got to know each other. |
ér zhēn zhēn yě zài tóngyī tiān chū chēhuò, liǎng tiáo tuǐ dōu duàn le。 yīnwèi zhù zài tóngyī jiān bìngfáng, tāmen jiù zhèyàng rènshi le。 |
病房里有两张床,一张靠窗子,一张靠门。 小梅的床靠窗,珍珍的靠门。 |
There were two beds in the room, one close to the window, one close to
the door. Xiao Mei’s bed was close to the window, and Zhen Zhen’s close to the door. |
bìngfáng lǐ yǒu liǎng zhāng chuáng, yī zhāng kào chuāngzi, yī zhāng kào
mén。 xiǎo méi de chuáng kàochuāng, zhēn zhēn de kào mén。 |
珍珍从进来那天开始,就觉得生活没了希望。 因为失去了双腿, 她变得不爱说话,也不笑。 |
The day Zhen Zhen was sent in, she lost her hope for life. Due to the loss of both her legs, she became quiet with no smile. |
zhēn zhēn cóng jìnlái nàtiān kāishǐ, jiù juéde shēnghuó méile xīwàng。 yīnwèi shīqù le shuāngtuǐ, tā biànde bù ài shuōhuà, yě bù xiào. |
小梅想让她开心, 就经常和她说话。 当她们不说话的时候, 小梅就一个人看着窗外。 |
Xiao Mei was hoping to cheer her up, so she struck up conversations with
her. When they were not chatting, Xiao Mei only stared out the window alone. |
xiǎo méi xiǎng ràng tā kāixīn, jiù jīngcháng hé tā shuōhuà. dāng tāmen bù shuōhuà de shíhou, xiǎo méi jiù yīgèrén kàn zhe chuāng wài. |
珍珍的床靠门, 看不见窗外.
时间长了, 她忍不住问小梅,”窗外的景色好看吗?” |
Zhen Zhen’s bed is close to the door. She could not see anything outside
of the window from her bed. As time passed by, she couldn’t help but asked, “Is it a good view outside of the window?” |
zhēn zhēn de chuáng kào mén, kànbujiàn chuāng wài. shíjiān cháng le, tā rěnbuzhù wèn xiǎo méi,” chuāng wài de jǐngsè hǎokàn ma?” |
小梅笑着回答, “好看! 外面有一个大大的池塘, 和一个美丽的公园。” | Xiao Mei smiled and answered, “Yes, it is! There is a really big pond and a beautiful park out there.” |
xiǎo méi xiào zhe huídá, ” hǎokàn! wàimiàn yǒu yī gè dàdà de chítáng, hé yī gè měilì de gōngyuán。” | |
“是吗?!” 珍珍很喜欢池塘和公园. 她接着问,”池塘里有鸭子吗?” | “Is it?!” Zhen Zhen loved ponds and parks very much. She went on to ask, “Are there any ducks in the pond?” |
” shì ma?!” zhēn zhēn hěn xǐhuan chítáng hé gōngyuán. tā jiēzhe wèn,” chítáng lǐ yǒu yāzi ma?” | |
小梅仔细看了看说, “有啊, 有好多鸭子呢,
它们一个跟着一个, 正往池塘中心游呢!” |
Xiao Mei had a closer look, “Yes, as a matter of fact, there are quite a
few. They are swimming to the center of the pond one after another!” |
xiǎo méi zǐxì kàn le kàn shuō, ” yǒu ā, yǒu hǎoduō yāzi ne,
tāmen yī gè gēnzhe yī gè, zhèng wǎng chítáng zhōngxīn yóu ne!” |
“太棒了, 我好喜欢鸭子啊!” “哎呀, 好象又飞来一只大鸟也!” |
“Awesome! They are so adorable!” “Alas! It looks like a big bird just landed!” |
” tài bàng le, wǒ hǎo xǐhuan yāzi ā!” ” āiyā, hǎoxiàng yòu fēi lái yī zhǐ dà niǎo yě!” |
“大鸟? 真的吗? 长什么样?” 珍珍着急地问. | “A big bird? Are you serious? What does it look like?” Zhen Zhen asked anxiously. |
” dà niǎo? zhēn de ma? cháng shénmeyàng?” zhēn zhēn zháojí dì wèn. | |
“它有个长长的脖子, 羽毛很白, 头顶还有个红色的帽子 …… 没错, 那是一只天鹅!” | “It has a long neck, white feathers, and a red hat on the top of its head … I bet its a swan!” |
” tā yǒu gè cháng cháng de bózi, yǔmáo hěn bái, tóudǐng háiyǒu gè hóngsè de màozi …… méicuò, nàshi yī zhī tiān’é!” | |
“什么? 天鹅!! 那该有多美啊!” 这时珍珍的心里, 也好象飞进了一只天鹅. | “What? A swan!! How beautiful!” At that moment of time, it felt like a swan just flew into Zhen Zhen’s heart. |
” shénme? tiān’é!! nà gāi yǒu duō měi ā!” zhèshí zhēn zhēn de xīnli, yě hǎoxiàng fēi jìn le yī zhī tiān’é. | |
从那天后, 珍珍每天都要让小梅给她讲窗外发生的事情.
小梅也非常乐意去做. |
Since that day on, Zhen Zhen kept asking Xiao Mei to tell her about
what’s happening outside of the window. Xiao Mei was happy to help too. |
cóng nàtiān hòu, zhēn zhēn měitiān dōu yào ràng xiǎo méi gěi tā jiǎng
chuāng wài fāshēng de shìqing. xiǎo méi yě fēicháng lèyì qù zuò. |
一天天过去后, 小梅讲话的声音越来越小. 她觉得心脏越来越不舒服. | Day after day, Xiao Mei’s voice got weaker and weaker, and her heart felt more and more unwell. |
yī tiāntiān guòqu hòu, xiǎo méi jiǎnghuà de shēngyīn yuèláiyuè xiǎo. tā juéde xīnzàng yuèláiyuè bùshūfu. | |
虽然心脏不舒服,这时的小梅已经能扶着床下地走动了。 而珍珍只能躺在床上,因为她的两条腿都不能动了。 |
Regardless of the discomforts of her heart, Xiao Mei was able to walk by
holding the side of the bed. Whereas Zhen Zhen could only lie on bed since both of her legs were broken. |
suīrán xīnzàng bùshūfu, zhèshí de xiǎo méi yǐjīng néng
fúzhe chuáng xià de zǒudòng le。 |
小梅总是开心地帮珍珍倒水,洗脸,拿东西。 | Xiao Mei was always happy to help Zhen Zhen to get water, wash her face and reach out for stuff. |
xiǎo méi zǒngshì kāixīn de bāng zhēn zhēn dào shuǐ, xǐliǎn, ná dōngxi。 |
而珍珍却开始嫉妒小梅。 | However Zhen Zhen started to feel jealous about Xiao Mei. |
ér zhēn zhēn què kāishǐ jídù xiǎo méi。 | |
每当小梅看着窗外,把外面发生的事情告诉珍珍的时候,珍珍就好希望自己能换到小梅的床上,用自己的眼睛去欣赏外面那个精彩的世界。 | Every time Xiao Mei had looked outside of the window and told Zhen Zhen what was happening outside, Zhen Zhen had wished that she could switch beds with Xiao Mei and look out at the wonderful world with her own eyes. |
měidāng xiǎo méi kàn zhe chuāng wài, bǎ wàimiàn fāshēng de shìqing gàosu zhēn zhēn de shíhou, zhēn zhēn jiù hǎo xīwàng zìjǐ néng huàn dào xiǎo méi de chuáng shàng, yòng zìjǐ de yǎnjing qù xīnshǎng wàimiàn nàge jīngcǎi de shìjiè。 | |
所以当小梅今天告诉她,公园里来了一群和她们一样大的年轻女孩儿时,珍珍粗暴地打断了她,”别说了,我听烦了。让我静一静。” | Therefore when Xiao Mei told her that a bunch of girls of their age came into the park today, Zhen Zhen interrupted her rudely, “Cut it out, I don’t want to listen anymore. Give me a quiet moment please.” |
suǒyǐ dāng xiǎo méi jīntiān gàosu tā, gōngyuán lǐ lái le yī qún hé tāmen yīyàng dà de niánqīng nǚhái érshí, zhēn zhēn cūbào de dǎduàn le tā,” bié shuō le, wǒ tīng fán le。 ràng wǒ jìngyījìng。” | |
小梅想,珍珍可能累了,就问珍珍想不想喝水。 | Xiao Mei thought that Zhen Zhen must have been tired, so she asked whether she wanted some water. |
xiǎo méi xiǎng, zhēn zhēn kěnéng lèi le, jiù wèn zhēn zhēn xiǎng bùxiǎng hē shuǐ。 | |
珍珍没有说话。 小梅知道她心情不好,就主动去帮她倒水。 |
Zhen Zhen didn’t answer. Xiao Mei knew Zhen Zhen was not in a good mood, so she went to get water for her anyways. |
zhēn zhēn méiyǒu shuōhuà。 xiǎo méi zhīdào tā xīnqíng bùhǎo, jiù zhǔdòng qù bāng tā dào shuǐ。 |
当她把水倒好的时候,突然觉得心脏开始绞疼, 随后,她痛苦地捂着胸口倒在了地上。 |
When she poured out water into the cup, she suddenly felt acute pain in
her heart. She then fell onto the floor in great agony with her hands on her chest. |
dāng tā bǎ shuǐ dào hǎo de shíhou, tūrán juéde xīnzàng kāishǐ jiǎo téng,
suíhòu, tā tòngkǔ de wǔ zhe xiōngkǒu dào zài le dìshang。 |