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Chinese readings: A Real Mystery Story in Lop Nur
罗布泊 |
失踪 shī zōng [4] | Missing |
下午三点的时候,外面的温度已经很高。 |
Three o’clock in the afternoon, the temperature was already very high. |
xiàwǔ sān diǎn de shíhou, wàimiàn de wēndù yǐjīng hěn gāo。 |
队员们觉得不对, 就顺着彭加木的脚印开车去找他。 |
The team suspected things went wrong, they drove out to search for Peng following his footprints. |
duìyuán men juéde bùduì, jiù shùnzhe Péng jiā mù de jiǎoyìn kāichē qù zhǎo tā。 |
外面热,车里更热, 车走了一会儿,队员们就不想坐车了。 |
It’s hot outside, it’s even hotter inside the car. After a little while driving, the team didn’t want to sit in the car anymore. |
wàimiàn rè, chē lǐ gèng rè, chē zǒu le yīhuìr, duìyuán men jiù bùxiǎng zuòchē le。 |
他们下了车,顺着彭加木的脚印向前找去。 | They got off the car, and followed along Peng’s footprints. |
tāmen xià le chē, shùnzhe Péng jiā mù de jiǎoyìn xiàngqián zhǎo qù。 | |
还有一张糖纸。 |
After a long walk, they found where their chief had been sitting for a
break, and a piece of candy wrapper beside. |
zǒu le hěn yuǎn, tāmen fāxiàn dìshang yǒu duìzhǎng zuò guò de hénjì,
háiyǒu yī zhāng táng zhǐ。 |
那糖正是他们来的时候在路上买的。 可以确定队长在那坐过,还吃过糖。 |
That was the candy that they bought on the way to Lop Nur. It could be confirmed that the chief had been sitting there and ate a candy. |
nà táng zhèngshì tāmen lái de shíhou zài lùshang mǎi de。
kěyǐ quèdìng duìzhǎng zài nà zuò guò, hái chī guò táng。 |
他们接着向前走。 队长的脚印在一个地点消失了。 |
They kept moving ahead, but the footprints disappeared at a certain point. |
tāmen jiēzhe xiàngqián zǒu。 duìzhǎng de jiǎoyìn zài yī gè dìdiǎn xiāoshī le。 |
脚印消失的地方地面很硬, 后面没有脚印了。 |
The surface of the ground where the footprints disappeared was rather
stiff. There were no footprints after that point. |
jiǎoyìn xiāoshī de dìfang dìmiàn hěn yìng,
hòumian méiyǒu jiǎoyìn le。 |
队员们没有办法,只好往回走。 | The team could do nothing but returning. |
duìyuán men méiyǒu bànfǎ, zhǐhǎo wǎng huí zǒu。 | |
回到营地,他们把车灯打开, 向天空发信号弹,希望队长看到后能走回来。 |
While they were back to the camp, they turned on the car lights. They fired signal flares in hope that their chief could saw and walk back. |
huídào yíngdì, tāmen bǎ chē dēng dǎkāi, xiàng tiānkōng fā xìnhào tán, xīwàng duìzhǎng kàn dào hòu néng zǒu huílai。 |