Upper-Intermediate - Movie Genres (D0298)

nǐ yǒu zhème duō dié !zhēnshì ge yǐngmí 。
You have so many DVDs! You are really a real movie buff.

wǒ shì shōují le bùshǎo gège guójiā de diànyǐng 。wǒ tèbié xǐhuan kàn Oūzhōu de dúlì diànyǐng 。tāmen de gòusī fēicháng dútè ,yǒuxiē qīngsōng yōumò ,yǒuxiē què chénzhòng hēiàn ,zǒngzhī hé shāngyèpiàn fēicháng bùtóng 。nǐ ài kàn shénme diànyǐng ?
I collect movies from quite a few different countries. I especially like to watch European independent films. Their story lines are extremely unique. Some are light and humorous, whereas others are serious and dark. In a word, they are very different from commercial films. What movies do you like to watch?

wǒ de kǒuwèi bǐjiào dàzhònghuà ,xǐhuan làngmàn xǐjù hé dòngzuòpiàn 。Hǎoláiwù zhèlèi diànyǐng dōu pāi de búcuò 。guónèi dǎoyǎn ,wǒ zuì xǐhuan Féng Xiǎogāng ,měinián zuì qīdài tā de hèsuì xǐjù 。
My style is more mainstream. I like romantic comedies and action films. Hollywood-style films are all pretty good. Feng Xiaogang is my favorite Chinese director. Every year I look forward to his "New Year Comedy".

nà nǐ jīnnián yào shīwàng le ,tā pāi le yī bù wǔxiá chuánqí piàn ,wánquán diānfù le yǐwǎng de fēnggé 。wǒ zhēn bù míngbai wèishénme Zhōngguó dǎoyǎn xiànzài yīwōfēngde qù pāi zhèlèi diànyǐng 。háishì wángjiāwèi jiānchí zìwǒ ,bùtóng tícái dōu néng pāi de fēicháng yǒu zìjǐ de gèxìng 。
Well, this year you are going to be disappointed because he shot a medieval period style film instead. It's completely different from his previous style. I really don't understand why all the Chinese directors are flocking to this type of film now. It's Wang Kar-wai that stays true to himself. Different themes can all be filmed with one's own character.

tā de diànyǐng zhēnde hěn yǒuxíng 。yǒu shíhou suīrán kàn bu dǒng ,dàn hái shì huì bèi dútè de qìfēn xīyǐn 。tā xiànzài zhèngzài Měiguó pāi yī bù làngmàn xǐjù ,bù zhīdào huì buhuì yánxù zìjǐde fēnggé 。
That's true. His movies really have their own style. Although sometimes I don't understand them, I still get caught up in their distinctive moods. He's in the United States right now shooting a romantic comedy. I wonder if he will continue with his own style.

nǐ kàn guò wǔ liùshí niándài de Fǎguó cháo diànyǐng ma ?duìyú xíguàn xiànshízhǔyì hé qítā bǐjiào chángjiàn shǒufǎ de rén láishuō ,juéduì shì yīzhǒng zhènhàn 。
Have you seen any French New Wave movies from the 50's or 60's? For those used to realism or other common styles, they're just mind-blowing.

nà wǒ yīdìng kàn bu dǒng 。shēnghuó yālì zhème dà ,wèishénme háiyào kàn zhèxiē xūyào dòng nǎozi de diànyǐng ?suǒyǐ wǒ hái shì zuì xǐhuan gǎoxiàopiàn 、kēhuànpiàn zhèlèi qīngsōng de tícái 。hái yǒu 《zhīhuánwáng 》zhèyàng de shǐshī chuánqí yě búcuò 。
I definitely wouldn't understand those. There are so many pressures in real life, why would I want to watch movies that require mental exertion? So, my favorites are still silly comedies, science fiction, and similar light-hearted themes. Also, Lord of the Rings and similar legendary epic-style dramas are also pretty good.

kànlai wǒmen de xīnshǎng kǒuwèi díquè bùyīyàng 。
It looks like the styles of movies that we appreciate are really different.


影迷 yǐngmí movie fan
构思 gòusī intellectual structure
大众化 dàzhònghuà popular
喜剧 xǐjù comedy
贺岁 hèsuì to bringing in the new year, New Year’s celebrations
武侠 wǔxiá knight-errant
颠覆 diānfù to overturn
一窝蜂 yīwōfēng like a swarm of bees
延续 yánxù to prolong
震撼 zhènhàn mind-blowing
商业片 shāngyèpiàn commercial film
先锋 xiānfēng vanguard
周星驰 Zhōu Xīngchí Stephen Chow, a famous actor and director
文艺作品 wényì zuòpǐn literature/art works
思维 sīwéi thought, thinking
并列 bìngliè be juxtaposed
顿号 dùnhào special comma used to set off items in a series
朦胧 ménglóng dim, obscure
立场 lìchǎng standpoint
一窝蜂 yīwōfēng swarming
跟风 gēnfēng me-tooism
风格 fēnggé style
王菲 Wáng Fēi Faye Wong, a famous singer
氛围 fēnwéi atmosphere