Upper-Intermediate - Exam Overview (D0280)

jīntiān wǒmen zhǔyào jiǎngyīxià qīmò kǎoshì de nèiróng 。zhècì de kǎoshì fēn zhè jǐge bùfen :xuǎnzé tí 、pànduàn tí 、tiánkòng tí 、jiǎndá tí 、fēnxī tí 。zǒngfēn shì yībǎièrshí fēn ,měige bùfen de fēnzhí hé yǐwǎng yíyàng ,dàjiā yīnggāi hěn qīngchu le 。kǎoshì de shíjiān shì liǎng ge xiǎoshí 。
Today we will mainly talk about the content of the final examination. This exam is divided up into the following sections: multiple choice questions, true/false questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, short answer questions, and an analysis question. There are a total of 120 points, and the amount of points for each section are the same as they have been for previous examinations, so everyone should be quite clear about that. The length of time for the test is two hours.

jiàoshòu ,zhècì kǎoshì de fànwéi shì zhěng běn shū de nèiróng ma ?háishì xià bàn xuéqī de ?
Professor, will this exam cover the content of the entire textbook, or only the material from the second half of the semester?

zhècì kǎo de shì zhěnggè xuéqī de nèiróng ,dànshì zhòngdiǎn zài dìwǔ dào dì shí zhāng 。dàjiā yào duō huā xiē xīnsi 。 nèiróng bù xiàng qīzhōng kǎo nàme sǐbǎn 。suǒyǐ ,nǐmen yào zhēnzhèng liǎojiě xué guo de dōngxi ,bìngqiě línghuó yùnyòng 。
This exam is on the material from the entire semester, but the emphasis is on Chapters 5 through 10. Everyone needs to put some extra thought into this exam. The content is not as rigid as the mid-term exam, so you all need to really understand the material you have learned, and be able to apply it in a flexible way.

nàme ,shì bu shì shuō wǒmen bù xūyào bèi lǐlùn zhīshi ?
So are you saying we don’t have to memorize all the theory?

nǐ juéde ne ?xiǎng yào línghuó yùnyòng ,bù xiān zhǎngwò lǐlùn zěnme xíng ?dàjiā dōu shì dàsān de xuésheng le ,yīnggāi hěn qīngchu xuéxí fāngfǎ 。
What do you think? If you want to be able to apply the knowledge, how can you escape mastering the theories? You are all third year university students now, so you should be very familiar with the study methods.

jiàoshòu ,zhècì de tímù shì bu shì nán le yīdiǎnr ?wǒ tīngshuō dàsān de kǎoshì zuì zhòngyào ,yīnwèi zhè shì dàsì shíxí qián zuìhòu yīcì kǎoshì 。
Professor, is the material this time a little bit more difficult? I have heard that the third year exam is the most important, because this is the last exam before the fourth year practicum starts.

wǒ zhǐ xiǎng gàosu dàjiā ,měiyīcì kǎoshì dōu hěn zhòngyào ,yīnwèi zhè shì duì nǐ zìjǐ xuéxí chéngguǒ de cèshì hé zǒngjié 。bùyào zǒngshì ná zhècì hé yǐqián bǐjiào ,měiyīcì kǎoshì dōu yào rènzhēn duìdài 。zhè shì duì zìjǐ fù zérèn 。
I just want to tell everyone: every exam is very important, because exams test and assess what you have gained from your studies. Don’t always compare this exam with previous exams. You must take every exam seriously. This is taking responsibility for yourself.

jiàoshòu ,fùxí de shíhou ,kèběn nèiróng zhòngyào hái shì kètáng bǐjì zhòngyào ?
Professor, when we are reviewing, what is more important: the textbook content or our notes from class?

zhège wèntí hái shì yīnggāi wèn nǐmen zìjǐ 。dōu kǎo le zhème duō cì shì le , yǐqián zěnmeyàng ,zhècì hái yíyàng 。zǒngzhī ,hǎo chéngjì méiyǒu jiéjìng 。dàjiā huíqu hǎohāo fùxí ba 。
This is a question you should ask yourself. You’ve all taken many exams, it’s the same now as it was then. In a word, there is no shortcut to good scores. Everyone go home and study hard.


分值 fēnzhí the amount of points
以往 yǐwǎng in the past
心思 xīnsī concern
死板 sǐbǎn rigid
理论 lǐlùn theory
成果 chéngguǒ result
捷径 jiéjìng shortcut
选择题 xuǎnzé tí multiple choice question
判断题 pànduàn tí true or false question
填空题 tiánkòng tí fill-in-the-blank question
简答题 jiǎndá tí short answer question
分析题 fēnxī tí analysis question
灵活 línghuó flexibly
实习 shíxí field work
末了 mòliǎo finally, in the end
空白 kòngbái blank space
延续 yánxù continue
学科 xuékē subject
生硬 shēngyìng stiff; rigid; harsh
专业 zhuānyè major
普遍 pǔbiàn universal, common
宽泛 kuānfàn general, covering a wide range (of meaning)
抽象 chōuxiàng abstract