Upper-Intermediate - Attitudes toward Religion (D0260)

zhège zhōumò guò de zěnyàng ?
How was your weekend?

háibùcuò 。zhōurì wǒ hái hé péngyou qù jiàotáng zuò lǐbài le 。
Not bad. On Sunday I went with a friend to church services.

yuánlái nǐ xìn Jīdū ā ?
Oh, you’re a Christian?

bùshì de ,wǒ bìng bù shì Jīdū jiàotú 。zuótiān shì wǒ dìyīcì qù jiàotáng ,yě shì wǒ dìyīcì cānjiā zhème zhèngshì de zhǔrìlǐbài 。zhè zhēnshì yīcì tèbié de tǐyàn 。yǔqí shuō wǒ zài cānyù yīzhǒng zōngjiào de huódòng ,hái bùrú shuō wǒ shòudào le yīzhǒng zōngjiào wénhuà de xūntáo 。
No, I’m not at all. Yesterday was my first time in a church, and it was my first time attending a formal Sunday service. It was really a special experience. Rather than saying I was participating in a kind of religious activity, it was more like receiving a kind of religious cultural experience.

tīng qǐlai hǎo fùzá ,wǒ cónglái dōu méi cānjiā guo zhèlèi huódòng ,duì gèlèi zōngjiào wénhuà yě yīwúsuǒzhī ,jǐnjǐn zhīdao Fójiào ,Yīsīlánjiào hé Jīdūjiào zhè jǐge zhùmíng zōngjiào ,gèngduōde wǒ yě jiǎng bùchūlái le 。
It sounds pretty complicated. I’ve never attended those kinds of activities, and don’t know a thing about religious culture. I barely know anything about even the more famous religions like Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity. Other than those, I really don’t know anything about any religions.

qíshí wǒ yě shì 。wǒ duì zōngjiào bìng bù suàn liǎojiě ,kě wǒ hěn lèyì jiēchù dào bùtóng de zōngjiào wénhuà 。wǒ yǒu yīxiē xìnyǎng zōngjiào de péngyou ,hěn duō shíhòu wǒ dōu shì cóng wénhuà de jiǎodù lái fēnxiǎng tāmen de jīnglì 。hé wǒ yīqǐ qù jiàotáng de péngyou jiù cóngxiǎo xìnyǎng Jīdūjiào ,érqiě fēicháng qiánchéng 。
Actually, I’m the same. I can’t say I understand religion at all, but I’m willing to have some contact with different religious cultures. I have some religious friends, and I often find I can relate to their experiences on a cultural level. The friends I went to church with have been Christian since they were little, and they’re really devout.

wǒ xiǎng wǒ yǒngyuǎn dōu méi bànfǎ lǐjiě zhèzhǒng qiánchéng 。zōngjiào xìnyǎng shì gèrén de zìyóu ,wǒ bùhuì gānshè tāmen ,dàn yě méiyǒu bànfǎ shēnrù qízhōng 。wǒmen zhèyīdài rén dàduōshù dōu shì méiyǒu zōngjiào xìnyǎng de 。bùguò xiànzài xìn Jīdūjiào de rén zài Zhōngguó zhēnshì yuè lái yuè duō le ,xiāngfǎn Zhōngguó de dì-yī dà zōngjiào -Fójiào de jiàotú dàduō dōu shì lǎo yī bèi de rén le 。
I don’t think I’ll ever be able to understand that kind of devotion. Religious faith is a personal freedom, so I would never interfere with others’ faith, but I myself could never get that deeply involved. Most people of our generation aren’t very religious. However, nowadays more and more people in China are becoming Christians. On the other hand, the followers of China’s primary religion—Buddhism—are mainly from the older generation.

shìde 。wǒ rènshi de péngyou zhōng yǒu yībùfèn rén jiùshì yīnwèi shòudào jiātíng chuántǒng de yǐngxiǎng ér xìn fó huò jīdū de 。yě yǒu hěn duō rén hé wǒ yīyàng zhǐshì cóng wénhuà de jiǎodù lái kàndāi zōngjiào 。bùguò wúlún shì hézhǒng zōngjiào ,wǒ dōu zhǔzhāng yòng zhèngquè de tàidu duìdài zhèzhǒng xìnyǎng ,ér bùnéng guòfèn yīlài 。
Yeah. Amongst my friends, there are some who are Buddhist or Christian because of the influence of family tradition. But there are also many people who are like me, and just look at religion from a cultural perspective. Still, no matter what one’s faith is, I will always advocate that people should maintain a proper attitude toward religion, but not be excessively dependent on it.


做礼拜 zuò lǐbài to attend religious services
xìn to believe in
基督教 Jīdūjiào Christianity
基督教徒 Jīdū jiàotú Christian
主日礼拜 zhǔrìlǐbài Sunday service
体验 tǐyàn to learn through experience
与其 yǔqí rather than
参与 cānyù to participate in
宗教 zōngjiào religion
不如 bùrú not as good as
熏陶 xūntáo to influence (positively)
一无所知 yīwúsuǒzhī to know nothing about something
仅仅 jǐnjǐn barely
佛教 Fójiào Buddhism
伊斯兰教 Yīsīlánjiào Islam
乐意 lèyì to be happy to
接触到 jiēchù dào to make contact with
信仰 xìnyǎng to have faith in
角度 jiǎodù angle
分享 fēnxiǎng to share
虔诚 qiánchéng devout
干涉 gānshè to interfere with
深入 shēnrù to penetrate
这一代 zhèyīdài this generation
老一辈 lǎoyībèi older generation
看待 kàndài to regard as
主张 zhǔzhāng to advocate, stand for
过分 guòfèn excessive
依赖 yīlài to depend on
信仰 xìnyǎng faith, belief
一无所有 yīwúsuǒyǒu not own a thing in the world
虔诚 qiánchéng pious, devout
干涉 gānshè to interfere, intervene
恋爱 liàn'ài love, romantic attachment
弥撒 mísa Catholic Mass