Upper-Intermediate - Translation Issues (D0251)

nǐ zuò le zhème jiǔ fānyì ,yī piān hǎo de fānyì ,zuì zhòngyào de biāozhǔn shì shénme ?
You've been doing translation for a long time. What is the ultimate standard for a good translation?

zuì zhùmíng de dāngrán shì fānyìjiā Yán Fù xiānsheng tíchū de “xìn 、dá 、yǎ ”lǐlùn 。“xìn ”jiùshì shuō zhōngshí yuánwén ,“ dá ”zé shì shuō tiēqiède biǎodá yuánwén ,ér “yǎ ”shìzhǐ yòng yōuyǎ de yǔyán biǎodá 。rénmen cháng bǎ “xìn 、dá 、yǎ ”guà zài zuǐ biān ,qíshí ,zhè shì hěn nán dádào de wénxué fānyì zuì gāo jìngjiè 。nénggòu dádào zhège huángjīn biāozhǔn ,dāngrán shì fēicháng yōuxiù de fānyì 。bùguò ,zhǐyǒu Zhōng Yīng wén shuǐpíng jígāo ,bìngqiě yǒu fēngfù shíjiàn jīngyàn de rén cáiněng dádào zhè yīdiǎn 。
The most well-known is of course translator Mr. Yan Fu's theories of 'faithfulness to the original text', 'communication of ideas' and 'literary elegance'. People always talk about these, but actually these standards mark only literary translation of the highest quality, which is extremely difficult to achieve. Translation that can meet these ideal standards is, of course, excellent. But only those with high command of both the Chinese and English language along with years of practical experience can consistently maintain such a standard.

nàme yībān de fānyì yào jùbèi shénme tiáojiàn ne ?
What capacities does an average translator need to have then?

zhè yào kàn nǎ zhǒng fānyì le 。dàzhìshàng fēnwéi bǐyì hé kǒuyì 。ér fānyì yòu gèzi yǒu bùtóng de lǐngyù 。bǐrú shuō ,bǐyì yǒu wénxué fānyì ,zhuānyè fānyì ,lìrú fǎlǜ 、yīyào 、kējì děngděng 。ér kǒuyì chúle zhuānyè de fēnbié ,hái yǒu tóngshēngchuányì hé jiāochuán de gēnběn qūbié 。
That depends on which kind of translation you are talking about. There are two general types: written translation and oral interpretation, each of which has its own specific fields. For example, written translation involves literary and professional translation, which includes the fields of law, medicine, technology, and so on. There is also professional interpretation, which is also further divided up into simultaneous and consecutive interpretation.

tóngshēngchuányì xiànzài kěshì rèmén zhíyè ā !shìcháng xūqiú hěn dà ,érqiě xīnshuǐ yě fēicháng gāo 。wǒ tīngshuō ,tóngchuán yī ge xiǎoshí kěyǐ zhuàn liǎngqiān kuài qián ,shì zhēndema ?
Simultaneous interpretation is a hot profession right now! There is huge market demand and it's very well-paid. I've heard that a simultaneous interpreter can make 2000 RMB an hour. Is it true?

nà shì zuì dǐngjiān de fānyì zài zuì dǐngjiān de chǎnghé 。qíshí ,dàduōshù tóngchuán méiyǒu zhème gāo de xīnshuǐ 。bùguò ,fānyì díquè shì ge bùcuò de hángyè 。dànshì xiāngyìng de ,hǎo de fānyì bìxū jīngguò hěn duō nǔlì ,érqiě yào bùduàn de jìnbù 。zhǎngwò xīn cíhuì ,búduàn kuòzhǎn bùtóng lǐngyù de zhīshi 。
That's only the best interpreters at top events. Actually, most simultaneous interpreters don't get that kind of pay. However, translation is indeed a good profession. But at the same time, a good translator must work very hard and keep improving. They need to master new words, keep up with new developments and expand their knowledge of different professional fields.

nǐ juéde zuò kǒuyì hé bǐyì de shíhou ,zuì zhòngyāo de hé zuì nán de shì shénme ?
What do you think are the most important and the most difficult things when doing written translation and interpretation?

bùlùn shì shūmiàn hái shì kǒutóu ,zuì zhòngyāo de jiùshì zhǔnquè hé tōngshùn 。zhè liǎng ge cí bāohán le xǔduō shēncéngcì de yìyì ,gèng xūyào búduàn de xuéxí 。ér zuì nán de shì yùdào méiyǒu duìyìng de biǎodá 。kěshì jíshǐ zhèyàngde ,yě yīdìng yào jǐnliàng zhōngshí yuánwén ,érqiě fānyì de zìrán 、piàoliang 。
For both written and spoken translation, the most important thing is accuracy and fluency. These two words have many in-depth implications. Moreover, they require constant learning as a foundation. The most difficult is when there is no exact match for an expression you encounter. But even so, you must endeavor to stay faithful to the original text and translate in a natural and eloquent way.

tīng qǐlai zhēn lèi !guàibude nǐ dōu dé qiǎngpòzhèng le ,měitiān mǎi Zhōng Yīng wén liǎng fēn bàozhǐ ,bǎ xiāngtóng de xīnwén duìzhào kàn yī biàn 。
It does sound painstaking! No wonder you've got an obsessive compulsive disorder -- every day you get both the Chinese and English newspaper and read the same story in both languages.

shì yā 。érqiě wǒ zhǐyào kàndào yī ge cí ,jiù huì běnněng de xiǎngdào duìyìng de fānyì 。bùguò ,dàng wǒ fānyì chū yī piān wénzhāng ,huò shì yīcì huìyì hòu ,gǎnjué jiùxiàng jiěkāi le mìmǎ ,suǒyǒu de xīnkǔ dōu zhíde 。
Yeah. Furthermore, whenever I see a word, I instinctively think about its corresponding translation. But when I complete a work of translation or a conference interpretation, I feel as if I have broken a secret code and all the hard work feels worthwhile.


标准 biāozhǔn standard
翻译家 fānyìjiā translator
理论 lǐlùn theory
忠实 zhōngshí faithful to
贴切地 tiēqiède properly
优雅 yōuyǎ graceful
挂在嘴边 guà zài zuǐbiān ofter say
境界 jìngjiè extent
丰富 fēngfù abundant
实践经验 shíjiàn jīngyàn practical experience/
具备 jùbèi to have
大致上 dàzhìshàng approximately
笔译 bǐyì written translation
口译 kǒuyì oral interpretation
领域 lǐngyù sphere
同声传译 tóngshēngchuányì simultaneous translation
交传 jiāochuán consecutive interpretation
热门 rèmén in demand
市场需求 shìcháng xūqiú market demand
顶尖 dǐngjiān top
场合 chǎnghé event
相应 xiāngyìng correspondingly
掌握 zhǎngwò grasp
扩展 kuòzhǎn to expand
通顺 tōngshùn clear and coherent
强迫症 qiǎngpòzhèng obsessive-compulsive disorder
对照 duìzhào to contrast
挑战 tiǎozhàn challenge
理解 lǐjiě to comprehend
清末民初 Qīngmò Mínchū between later Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China
思想家 sīxiǎngjiā ideologist
教育家 jiàoyùjiā educationist
资讯 zīxùn information
时政 shízhèng politics
金融 jīnróng banking
誓言 shìyán oath