Upper-Intermediate - Anthropology (D0224)

nǐ zhīdao ma ?guójì zhùmíng rénlèixuéjiā 、Hélán Láidùn dàxué de Hēnglì Kèlàisēn jiàoshòu yào lái wǒmen xuéxiào yǎnjiǎng le 。
Have you heard that Professor Henri Claessen, renowned anthropologist from Leyton University in the Netherlands, is coming to our school to give a speech?

á ?shù wǒ gūlòuguǎwén ,qíshí wǒ yīzhí bù dǒng rénlèixué dàodǐ shì yánjiū shénme de ?
What? Excuse my ignorance; I actually never knew what anthropology is all about.

rénlèixué gùmíngsīyì jiùshì yánjiū rénlèi jí rén de yǎnbiàn lìshǐ de yā 。tā shèjí lìshǐ ,wénhuà ,kǎogǔ děng duō fāngmiàn de nèiróng 。
Anthropology, as the name implies, is the study of the human species and its evolution. It touches on all sorts of disciplines from history and culture to archaeology.

zhème shuō Dáěrwén de 《Jìnhuàlùn 》yě shì shǔyú rénlèixué de yībùfèn ?
So Darwin's Theory of Evolution is part of anthropology?

dāngrán ,guǎngyì de rénlèixué bù jǐn yánjiū rénlèi ,hái yánjiū shèhuì ,mínzú ,yǔyán děng fāngmiàn de fāzhǎn 。bǐrú Hēnglì jiàoshòu de fāngxiàng jiùshì guójiā de qǐyuán hé fāzhǎn ,tā de zhùzuò zài zhěnggè rénlèixué de xuéshùjiè dōu chǎnshēng jùdà de yǐngxiǎng 。
Of course it is. Anthropology in a broad sense is the study of society, ethnicity, language and a lot of other things besides just human beings. Professor Claessen is an expert in the study of the origin of nation states and their development. His papers and books have had enormous influence in academia.

nánguài wǒmen xuéxiào yào yāoqǐng tā lái yǎnjiǎng ne ,zhēnshì ge lìhai de rénwù ā 。
No wonder our school invited him to give a speech. He sounds like an important figure.

méicuò 。tā zhècì de xuéshù bàogào tí wéi 《zǎoqī guójiā yánjiū 》。wǒ děi gǎnjǐn qù zhàn wèizi ,chí le kě jiù méi wèizi zuò le 。
Exactly. His speech is titled "Study of the Early Nation States". I have to grab a seat now or there will be none left.

tīng qǐlai hái tǐng shēnào de 。wǒ dào hěn yǒu xìngqù qù tīng jiàoshòu jiǎng jiǎng dàodǐ shì zěnme yī huí shì 。wǒ hé nǐ yīqǐ qù ba 。
It sounds pretty profound. I want to hear what the professor has to say. I'm going with you.


演讲 yǎnjiǎng to lecture
shù forgive
孤陋寡闻 gūlòuguǎwén ignorant and ill-informed
顾名思义 gùmíngsīyì as the name suggests
演变 yǎnbiàn development and change
起源 qǐyuán origin
发展 fāzhǎn development
属于 shǔyú to belong to
一直 yīzhí continuously
方面 fāngmiàn aspect
比如 bǐrú for example
难怪 nánguài no wonder that
zhàn to occupy
饶恕 ráoshù forgive
恕我直言 shù wǒ zhíyán excuse me for being frank
究竟 jiūjìng exactly
步骤 bùzhòu step,move
智商 zhìshāng IQ