Upper-Intermediate - Views on the News (D0215)

yā ,qī diǎn le ,wǒ yào kàn Zhōngyāngtái de xīnwénliánbō le 。
It's 7. I've got to watch the CCTV national news.

bù shì ba ?méixiǎngdào nǐ zhème guānxīn zhèngzhì 。
Are you serious? I didn't know that you cared so much about politics.

qíshí wǒ yě bù suàn tèbié guānxīn 。bùguò měitiān wǎnshang qīdiǎn dào qīdiǎnbàn ,gè jiā diànshìtái dōu zài zhuǎnbō Zhōngyāngtái de xīnwénliánbō ,xiǎng kàn biéde yě bùxíng ā 。
Well, I am not that into it. I watch the news since all the local networks broadcast the CCTV news from 7 to 7:30. You can't watch anything else even if you want to.

nà yě shì 。suǒyǐ tōngcháng zhè shíhou wǒ jiù gāncuì bù kāi diànshì 。
That's true. That's why I normally just don't watch TV in that time slot.

kěshì tōngguò xīnwén bàodào liǎojiě xià guónèi hé guójì de xíngshì yě hěn bùcuò ā 。Zhōngyāngtái de xīnwén wǎngluò biànbù quánguó nǎizhì shìjiè gèdì ,kěyǐ ràng wǒmen liǎojiě zuìxīn de shìjiè dòngtài 。hái yǒu xǔduō tèpài jìzhě zhuānmén bēnfù qiánxiàn cǎifǎng hòu ,fāhuí de dìyīshǒu bàodǎo ,dōu hěn yǒu xīnwén jiàzhí 。
But it's good to use the news to get informed about what's happening in China and around the world. CCTV has extensive national and global coverage of the latest news keeping us up to date on the most recent world developments. They also have many correspondents hurrying to the front lines for interviews. The firsthand account reports they give are very informative.

kěxī wǒ bùtài guānzhù zhèxie 。wǒ zhǐ ǒuěr tīngdào guo xīnwén lǐ tiāntiān jiǎng shénme Bā-Yǐ chōngtū ,Měi-Yī zhànzhēng děngděng 。kànlai wǒ yào duō guānxīn xiē guójiā dàshì hé guójì yàowén ,bùrán jiù yào luòwǔ le 。
Too bad that I don't really pay attention to that. I just occasionally hear about the conflict between Israel and Palestine, or the war in Iraq. I guess I need to start paying attention to what's happening in China and around the world or I'll be really behind the times.

nà nǐ kěyǐ duō kànkan zhěngdiǎn xīnwén ,jiùshì nàxiē zài zhěngdiǎn de shíhou bōchū de yīxiē jiǎnduǎn de xīnwén ,tōngcháng zhǐyǒu wǔ fēnzhōng ,jì néng ràng nǐ liǎojiě guójì guónèi yàoshì ,yòu bù làngfèi shíjiān 。
Then you can watch the hourly bulletin. It's a roundup of key news that usually lasts for just 5 minutes but gives a clear perspective on domestic and international affairs without wasting time.

zhēnshì ge hǎo zhǔyi ,jīntiān wǒ jiù kāishǐ 。
That sounds good. I'll start today.


转播 zhuǎnbō to relay
干脆 gāncuì sharply
形势 xíngshì circumstances
乃至 nǎizhì and even
奔赴 bēnfù to rush to
落伍 luòwǔ outdated
新闻联播 xīnwénliánbō the CCTV national news
第一手 dìyīshǒu firsthand
巴以冲突 Bā Yǐ chōngtū conflict between Israel and Palestine
即时性 jíshíxìng immediateness; urgency
趋势 qūshì trend