Upper-Intermediate - Discussing Photography (D0206)

wǒ zuìjìn míshàng shàng le shèyǐng 。suíshēn zǒngshì dài zhe xiāngjī 。
Photography is my new passion. I always carry a camera around with me.

shì ma ?shèyǐng kěshì yī mén dà xuéwèn 。nǐ shì xiā pāi hái shì zhèngjing zài xuéxí ?
Really? Photography encompasses a huge body of knowledge. Are you doing it for fun or seriously?

gāng kāishǐ zhǐshì xìngqù 。bùguò ,wǒ xiànzài zài rènzhēn yánjiū 。érqiě juéde yuèláiyuè yǒuqù 。
It was out of interest at first. But I am studying it seriously now. The more I do it, the more interesting I find it.

shèyǐng yǒu méiyǒu shénme zhòngyào de guīzé ?hái shì zhǔyào píng gǎnjué ?
Are there any important rules in photography? Or is instinct primary?

gǎnjué dāngrán zhòngyào 。dànshì yīdìng yào zhǎngwò yīxiē jīběn de jìqiǎo 。
Instinct is important for sure. But you must learn some basic skills and techniques really well.

yǒu nǎxiē ne ?
What are they?

zuì zhòngyāo de yǒu gòutú ,guāngxiàn hé qìcái 。xiān shuō gòutú ,jiǎndān de shuō jiùshì tōngguò qǔjǐngqì duì jǐngwù yǒu xuǎnzé de pāishè 。fāngxiàng 、jiǎodù hé jùlí shì zuì zhǔyào de kǎolǜ yīnsù 。shèyǐng zhōng zuì chángyòng de “huángjīnfēngē fǎ ”,jiùshì tōngguò yī ge gōngshìhuà de bǐlì lái gòutú 。
The most principal ones are composition, lighting and equipment. Let's start with composition. To put it simply, it's about making selective shots through the viewfinder. Direction, angle, and distance are the key factors. The most commonly used method of the 'golden ratio' uses a formula to calculate proportion and make the final composition.

é ,yuánlái rúcǐ 。nàme guāngxiàn ne ?shì bu shì yě hěn jiǎngjiu ?
I see. What about lighting? Is it also as complicated?

dāngrán la 。shèyǐng jiùshì yòng guāng hé jǐngwù lái zuòhuà 。yībānláishuō ,guāngxiàn fēnwéi zhǔyào sān zhǒng ,shùnguāng 、nìguāng hé cèguāng 。lìngwài ,cóng guāngzhì shàng lái shuō ,hái yǒu “yìngguāng ”、ruǎnguāng ”zhīfēn 。
Absolutely. Photography is painting with light and objects. There are generally three types of light: frontlighting, backlight and sidelight. In addition, there are soft and hard light in terms of quality of light.

nǐ hái zhēn zhuānyè ,shuō de tóutóushìdào 。 zhuānyè shèyǐng shì bu shì dōu yào yòng jiāojuān ,bùnéng yòng shùmǎxiāngjī ?
You sound really professional with all your extensive knowledge. Is professional photography limited to using film? Can't you use a digital camera?

qíshí yě bù shì shuō bùnéng yòng 。dànshì wǒ juéde jiāojuān néng gènghǎo de tǐxiàn shèyǐng lèqù 。dànshì xiànzài ,zhuānyè de shùmǎxiāngjī yě zuò de hěn hǎo 。bǐrú shuō jiāojù ,yě něng dádào hěn jīngquè de shuǐpíng 。
It's not that you can't. But I find using film can better bring out the joy of photography. But now,a lot of digital cameras are very well-made. Take focal length for example - it's very precise.

wǒ hái tīngshuō jìngtóu shì yī bǐ dà huāfèi 。nàme shénme jìngtóu cái suàn hǎo ?
I've also heard that lenses are a big cost. What makes a quality lens?

qíshí jìngtóu fēnchéng xǔduō bùtóng de lèixíng ,yǐ shìhé bùtóng de pāishè xūyào 。tā shì fēicháng jīngmì de jìshù 。qíshí shèyǐng běnshēn yě shì rúcǐ 。sānyánliǎngyǔ shuōbùqīng 。nǐ rúguǒ yǒu xìngqù ,wǒ kěyǐ gēn nǐ xìshuō 。
Actually there are many types of lenses for different uses. They are a very sophisticated work of art, like photography itself. You can't really get the full picture in just a few words. I can tell you in more details if you are interested.


迷上 míshàng to become a fan of
随身 suíshēn along with one
正经 zhèngjing earnestly
讲究 jiǎngjiu detailed, particular
顺光 shùnguāng frontlighting
逆光 nìguāng backlight
侧光 cèguāng sidelight
头头是道 tóutóushìdào clear and logical
体现 tǐxiàn to embody
三言两语 sānyánliǎngyǔ in one or two words
入门 rùmén learn the fundamentals
术语 shùyǔ technical term
常识 chángshí common knowledge
艺术家 yìshùjiā artist
反差 fǎnchā contrast
照射 zhàoshè shine on, light up
柔和 róuhé gentle, mild
死记硬背 sǐjìyìngbèi mechanically memorize