Upper-Intermediate - Traditional Residences (D0199)

lǎo Běijīng zhēn yǒuwèidào 。qí zhe zìxíngchē ,chuānxíng zài hútòng hé sìhéyuàn jiān ,tèbié néng tǐhuìdào Běijīng de lìshǐ hé rénmen de shēnghuó 。
Old Beijing has such an alluring charm. You can really feel the city's history and how people live as you cycle through the hutong and siheyuan.

shì ā 。měige chéngshì dōu yǒu zìjǐde tèsè mínjū 。tā jiùxiàng chéngshì de liǎn 。nǐ zhīdao ma Shànghǎi yě yǒu lèisì sìhéyuàn de jiànzhù ,jiào shíkùmén 。hútòng zài Shànghǎi jiào lòngtáng 。xiàng Běijīng de jiànzhù yíyàng ,bié yǒu yùnwèi 。
That’s true. Every city has its own distinct style of residence, which is like the face of the city. Do you know that Shanghai has its own version of the siheyuan, called shikumen. The hutong is known as a longtang there. They have their own unique beauty just like their counterparts in Beijing.

ng4 ,wǒ jiàn guo 。hé nǐ yǒu yíyàng de gǎnjué 。bùguò sìhéyuàn de qǐyuán bǐ shíkùmén zǎo hěn duō 。wǒ kàn shūshàng shuō ,sìhéyuàn Yuáncháo jiù yǒu le 。tā zhīsuǒyǐ jiào sìhéyuàn ,shì yīnwèi fángwū shì yóu dōngxīnánběi sìmiàn bāowéi ,chéng kǒu zì xíng , zhōngjiān shì huāyuán 。dàpiàn de sìhéyuàn zhōngjiàn de tōngdào jiào hútòng 。āi ,nǐ zhīdao shíkùmén de qǐyuán ma ?
Yes, I’ve seen those. I agree with you. Siheyuan have a much older origin than shikumen. According to a book I read, they date back to the Yuan Dynasty. They got their name because the rooms are surrounded on four sides by walls, forming a square shape. The garden is in the center. The lanes running through blocks of siheyuan are called hutong. Do you know the origin of shikumen?

ng4 ,wǒ qù Shànghǎi de shíhou tīng guo 。shíkùmén chūxiàn yú shíjiǔ shìjì zhōng 。dāngshí dàpī nànmín yīnwèi dǎzhàng táonàn dào Shànghǎi zūjiè lǐ ,bìxū hěn duō rén jǐ zài yī suǒ xiǎo fángzǐ lǐ 。jiǔ'érjiǔzhī ,jiù xíngchéng le shíkùmén zhèzhǒng liǎng céng lóu de shízhì fángwū 。jiāmén lǐmiàn yǒu yī ge hěn xiǎo de huāyuán ,jiào tiānjǐng 。shíkùmén zhōngjiān xìcháng de jiēdào jiào lòngtáng 。yǐqián ,Běijīng hé Shànghǎi de dàduōshù jūmín dōu zhùzài zhèxiē chuántǒng mínjū lǐ 。
Yes, I heard about it when I was in Shanghai. Shikumen came into existence in the mid-19th century. There was an influx of war refugees fleeing to the concessions in Shanghai. They had to cram into small houses. Over time, these evolved into a type of two-story house made from stone known as shikumen. There is a tiny garden inside the house called a tianjing. The long narrow lanes between shikumen houses are known as longtang. Most of the people in Beijing and Shanghai used to live in these traditional residences.

kěxī ,zhèjǐnián sìhéyuàn hé shíkùmén bèi chāi le hěn duō 。xiànzài ,xǔduō rén dōu qiángliè yāoqiú bǎohù zhèxiē jiànzhù 。fǒuzé ,chéngshì huì shīqù zìjǐ bǎoguì de lìshǐ huíyì hé gèxìng 。
What a pity that many siheyuan and shikumen have been bulldozed in the past few years. A lot of people are strongly urging their protection and conservation. A city could lose its invaluable historical memory and identity without them.


有味道 yǒuwèidào to have flavor
穿行 chuānxíng to go through
胡同 hútòng hutong (alley)
四合院 sìhéyuàn siheyuan (courtyard)
体会到 tǐhuìdào to learn
类似 lèisì similar to
建筑 jiànzhù architecture
石库门 shíkùmén shikumen (courtyard)
弄堂 lòngtáng longtang (alley)
别有韵味 bié yǒu yùnwèi have a lasting charm
起源 qǐyuán origin
元朝 Yuáncháo Yuan Dynasty
之所以 zhīsuǒyǐ the reason that
yóu by
包围 bāowéi surround
chéng to form
口字形 kǒu zì xíng square-shaped
大片 dàpiàn big space
通道 tōngdào passage
大批 dàpī large quantities of
难民 nànmín refugee
打仗 dǎzhàng war
逃难 táonàn flee from calamity
租界 zūjiè concession
久而久之 jiǔ'érjiǔzhī as time went on
石质 shízhì made from stone
天井 tiānjǐng tianjing (garden)
悠久 yōujiǔ established
古老 gǔlǎo ancient
文物 wénwù relic
古迹 gǔjì places of historic interest
遗留 yíliú to leave behind
考证 kǎozhèng to settle
怀念 huáiniàn to cherish the memory of
保存 bǎocún to conserve
价值连城 jiàzhíliánchéng invaluable; priceless
无价之宝 wújiàzhībǎo priceless treasure; invaluable asset