Upper-Intermediate - Getting Tough on Employees (D0181)

wǒ xiànzài néng gēn nǐ tántan ma ?
Can I talk to you for a minute?

dāngrán 。
Of course.

zuìjìn ,nǐ de biǎoxiàn bùtài hǎo 。shì bu shì gōngzuò shàng yǒu shénme kùnnan ?
Your performance hasn’t been very good recently. Are you having any trouble with work?

méiyǒu 。wǒ juéde kěyǐ yìngfu 。
No, I can handle it.

shàng xīngqī nǐ méiyǒu ànshí wánchéng bàogào 。zhè yǐjīng liánxù fāshēng hěn duō cì le 。shì bu shì gōngzuòliàng tài dà le ?
You didn’t finish that report on time last week. This has happened several times in a row already. Is the workload too heavy?

hái kěyǐ 。lǎobǎn ,duìbuqǐ 。wǒ zuìjìn yǒuxiē bù shūfu 。wǒ huì jìnlì de 。
It’s all right. Sir, I’m sorry. I’m not feeling very well these past few days. I will do my best.

nǐ quèdìng ma ?xià xīngqī ,wǒmen yǒu yī ge hěn zhòngyào de huìyì 。nǐ yào zhǔnbèi hěn duō zīliào 。zhège xīngqīwǔ néng ànshí wánchéng ma ?
Are you sure? We have a very important meeting next week. You need to prepare a lot of documents for it. Can you finish all of them by this Friday?

yīnggāi méiwèntí 。
I shouldn’t have any problems.

wǒ xūyào yī ge míngquè de dáàn 。nǐ dàodǐ něng bu něng ànshí zhǔnbèi hǎo ?
I need a clear answer. Can you or can you not finish the work on time?

wǒ yīdìng huì jìnlì de 。lǎobǎn ,qǐng fàngxīn 。
I will try my best. Don’t worry, sir.

wǒ bù shì yào tīng "jìnlì "。wǒ xūyào nǐ qīngchǔ de gàosù wǒ nǐ néng wánchéng rènwù ma ?shì bu shì yǒu shénme kùnnan ?wǒ nénggòu zěnme bāngzhù nǐ ?
I don’t want to hear ‘I’ll try my best.’ What I need is a clear answer from you on whether or not you will be able to fnish the work on time. Are you having any difficulties? How can I help you get the job done?

lǎobǎn ,qíshí yǒu yī ge bùfen wǒ bùtài huì zuò 。suǒyǐ tuō le hěn cháng shíjiān 。
Sir, actually there is one part I’m having trouble with. That’s why it’s dragged on so long.

xiàcì zài yǒu zhèzhǒng qíngkuàng ,nǐ bìxū jíshí gàosù wǒ 。wǒ kěyǐ gěi nǐ tígōng nǐ xūyào de zīyuán 。jiù suàn nǐ bùnéng wánchéng gōngzuò ,wǒ yě nìngyuàn tīng shíhuà ,bùyào tīng móhu de huídá 。cóng xiànzài kāishǐ ,nǐ yīdìng yào zhùyì zhèdiǎn 。hǎo ma ?
Next time something like this happens you need to tell me as soon as possible. I can get you the resources you need. Even if you can’t do the work, I much prefer straightforward answers to ambiguous ones. From now on you must pay attention to that. Got it?

wǒ zhīdao le 。wǒ huì gǎizhèng de 。
I get it. I’ll get it right.

xièxie 。
Thank you.


宁愿 nìngyuàn would rather
表现 biǎoxiàn expression
应付 yìngfu to deal with
准备 zhǔnbèi to prepare
模糊 móhu vague
资源 zīyuán resources
tuō drag
改正 gǎizhèng correct
按时 ànshí on time
业绩 yèjì work achievement
压力 yālì pressure
保证 bǎozhèng guarantee
绝对 juéduì utterly,absolutely
公事 gōngshì work
私事 sīshì private affair
公私分明 gōngsīfēnmíng clearly demarcated between work and private affairs