Upper-Intermediate - First Aid (D0171)

kuài lái ,yǒu rén yūndǎo le !
Come here quick! Someone has fainted!

gǎnkuài bǎ tā fàngpíng ,yǒuméiyǒu bāo ?diàn zài tā de tuǐ dǐxià 。zhèyàng kěyǐ bāngzhù jìngmài xuè huíliú 。duì ,jiùxiàng zhèyàng 。 nǐmen shéi yǒu shǒujī ,gǎnkuài jiào jiùhùchē 。qiānwàn bié yáo tā ,huì hěn wēixiǎn de !
Lay him down flat immediately. Does anyone have a bag? Put it under his legs to help blood in his veins circulate upwards. Yes, like this. Does anyone have a mobile phone? Call an ambulance right away! Make sure you don’t shake him. That’s very dangerous!

āyā ,tā de hūxī hǎoxiàng hěn kùnnan 。zěnme bàn yā ?
Oh no! He’s having trouble breathing. What should we do?

wǒ cóng bèihòu bào tā ,bǎ tā de tóu hé shēntǐ shāoshāo táigāo yīdiǎn 。zhèyàng lìyú hūxī 。tā xiànzài shì xiūkè bàn hūnmí ,nǐmen gǎnkuài bǎ chuāng quán dǎkāi ,dàjiā bùyào jǐ zài zhèlǐ 。yào bǎochí tōngfēng 。tā zěnme huì tūrán yūndǎo le ?
I’ll hold him from behind to keep his head and body slightly elevated. This helps breathing. He is in shock now. Open all the windows now. Don’t crowd around him. We need to keep the air fresh. How did he faint all of a sudden?

bù zhīdào 。 wǒ gēnběn bù rènshi tā 。gāngcái dàjiā dōu zài zhèlǐ páiduì ,tūrán tīngdào pēng yī shēng 。jiù kànjiàn tā dǎoxià le 。yě bù zhīdào shì shénme yuányīn 。
I don’t know. I don’t know him at all. Just now we were standing in line and there was a ‘thud’. He was on the floor when I looked. I don’t know what caused it.

tā de qíngkuàng yǒu kěnéng hěn yánzhòng 。wǒ tīng le tā de màibó ,hěn jí 。wǒmen xiànzài jiù bāng tā bǎochí zhège zīshì ,bùyào zài dòng tā 。bìmiǎn yìwài 。
He might be in a very serious condition. I felt his pulse and it’s really quick. Let’s keep him in this position and not move him anymore to avoid any accidents.

diànhuà dǎhǎo le 。jiùhùchē shí fēnzhōng hòu jiù dào 。tā hǎoxiàng chuǎnbuguòqì ,yàobùyào zuò réngōng hūxī ?
They’ve made the call and the ambulance will be here in 10 minutes. He seems to be struggling for breath. Should we give him artificial respiration?

tāzìjǐ hái yǒu hūxī 。xiān bǎ tā de yīfu kòuzi jiěkāi 。réngōng hūxī bùnéng luànyòng ,yào duì méiyǒu zìzhǔ hūxī de rén zuò 。āiyā bù hǎo ,tā méiyǒu hūxī le 。zěnme bàn yā ?wǒ yě bùhuì zuò réngōng hūxī 。
He is still breathing on his own. Unbutton his shirt first. Resuscitation can't be applied casually, and only do it to those who can't breathe on their own. Oh no, this is bad! He stopped breathing. What should we do? I don't know how to perform artificial respiration.

wǒ xiànzài zài xiànzài zài hé jíjiù zhōngxīn de yīshēng tōnghuà 。wǒ lái bào tā shuō de 。nǐ lái zuò 。
I am on the phone right now with the doctor from the emergency center. I will repeat what she says and you do it.

hǎo 。nǐ gǎnkuài lái bāng wǒ bǎ tā fàngpíng 。
OK. Come quick and help me lay him down flat.


晕倒 yūndǎo to faint
困难 kùnnan difficulty
保持 bǎochí to maintain
排队 páiduì to line up
避免 bìmiǎn to avoid
意外 yìwài accident
利于 lìyú be beneficial to
根本 gēnběn completely
千万 qiānwàn be sure to
受伤 shòushāng be injured
包扎 bāozhā dress a wound
骨折 gǔzhé bone fracture
溺水 nìshuǐ to drown
急救电话 jíjiù diànhuà first aid telephone
急诊室 jízhěn shì emergency room