Upper-Intermediate - Bargaining (D0166)

tiānā ,yī tiáo qúnzi yào wǔbǎi kuài ?nǐ xiǎng guāngtiānhuàrì zhīxià qiāngqián ā 。
My Gosh, 500 for a skirt? You're trying to rob me in broad daylight.

nín yào zhīdao yī fēn qián yī fēn huò ā 。nín kàn ,zhè kěshì Yìdàlì míngpái ,quán shǒugōng zhìzuò zhídi yòu hǎo 。
You must know that you get what you pay for. This is an Italian brand. It is handmade and has a superior texture.

bié mēng wǒ le !zhè tiáo qúnzi zuògōng yě búguò yībān ,yánsè yě bù shì tèbié hǎokàn ,gēnběn bùzhí wǔbǎi kuài 。nǐ bié luàn kāijià le 。
Don't try to fool me! The tailoring of this skirt is just average. The color is not that pretty either. It's not worth 500. Don't give me that ridiculous price.

zěnme huì ?zhè qúnzi kěshì yòng shànghǎo de bùliào zhìchéng de ,shíhuò de rén dōu zhīdao ,zhège pǐnpái de yīfu zhìliàng dū hěn hǎo 。
What? This skirt is made from the best fabric. It's clear to people who know clothing. The clothes of this brand are of top quality.

bié chuīniú le 。zhè tiáo qúnzi de yàngshì hái bùcuò ,rúguǒ jiàgé kuòzhōng dehuà ,wǒ jiù mǎi le 。nǐ bào ge dǐjià ba 。
Stop tooting your own horn. The style of the skirt is nice. I would buy it if the price were OK. Just give me your bottom line.

rúguǒ nǐ zhēnxīn xiǎng mǎi ,wǒ gěi nǐ dǎ ge bā zhé 。sìbǎi kuài qián zěnmeyàng ?
If you really want it, I can give you 20% off. How about 400?

nǐ zhège rén bù shízai 。hái shì tài guì le !zuìduō liǎngbǎi kuài 。bù mài wǒ jiù zǒu le 。
You are not being straight with me. It's still way too expensive. The most I can give is 200 or I am out of here.

děngděng ,zài jiā yīdiǎn hǎo ma ?sānbǎi kuài zěnmeyàng ?nǐ kě bùnéng zài wǎngxià hái la !
Hang on! How about a bit more? 300? You can't drag the price below that!


光天化日 guāngtiānhuàrì broad daylight
mēng hoodwink
开价 kāijià name a price
……的话 ... dehuà if
最多 zuìduō at most
不错 bùcuò not bad
实在 shízai to be honest
质量 zhìliàng quality
吹牛 chuīniú brag
样式 yàngshì type
款式 kuǎnshì design, style, pattern
退货 tuìhuò to return merchandise
狮子大开口 shīzi dà kāikǒu daylight robbery
还价 huánjià to haggle
外行 wàiháng layman
内行 nèiháng expert