Upper-Intermediate - Applying For a Visa (D0154)

nǐhǎo ,zhèlǐ shì Zhōngguó zhù Niǔyuē lǐngshìguǎn qiānzhèng zīxún fúwù 。nín xūyào shénme bāngzhù ?
Hello, this is the visa inquiry service at the Chinese consulate in New York. How can I help you?

wǒ yào shēnqǐng qù Zhōngguó de qiānzhèng 。shǒuxù shì zěnmeyàng de ?
I want to apply for a visa to China. What is the procedure?

shǒuxiān ,nǐ yào tiánxiě yī zhāng shēnqǐng biǎogé bìng fùshàng yī zhāng zhèngjiàn zhàopiàn 。zài biǎogé shàng qiānzì ,bìng fùlǐ qiānzhèng fèi 。 nǐ kěyǐ cóng wǎngshàng xiàzài shēnqǐng biǎogé ,huòzhě lái dàshǐguǎn qiānzhèng chù lǐngqǔ 。wánchéng biǎogé hòu ,nǐ kěyǐ yóujì huòzhě běnrén dìjiāo 。
First of all, you need to fill in an application form and attach a passport photo. Sign the form and pay the application fee. You may download the form from the internet or come to the embassy to pick it up. When you finish the form, you may submit it by post or in person.

qiānzhèng fèi duōshǎo qián ?yào zěnme jiāo ?
How much is the application fee? How do I pay?

wǔshí měijīn 。nǐ kěyǐ yòng xìnyòngkǎ ,jièjìkǎ huòzhě gèrén zhīpiào 。wǒmen bù jiēshòu xiànjīn zhīfù 。
It's 50 dollars. You can pay by credit card, debit card, or personal check. We do not accept cash payments.

wǒ shénmeshíhòu néng nádào qiānzhèng ?
When can I pick up the visa?

shòulǐ shǒuxù shì liǎng zhōu 。wǒmen huì yǐ shūxìn huòzhě diànyóu tōngzhī nǐ lái lǐngqǔ 。nǐ zhīdao wǒmen de dìzhǐ ma ?
The processing time is 2 weeks. We will inform you by post or email when the visa is ready for pick-up. Do you know our address?

zhīdao 。xièxie nǐ de bāngzhù 。
Yes, I do. Thank you for your help.

bùyòng xiè 。zàijiàn 。
You are welcome. Bye.


领事馆 lǐngshìguǎn consulate
签证 qiānzhèng visa
咨询 zīxún advisory
申请 shēnqǐng to apply for
手续 shǒuxù procedure
附上 fùshàng attach
证件 zhèngjiàn valid ID
下载 xiàzài download
接受 jiēshòu to accept
支付 zhīfù to pay
递交 dìjiāo to hand in
办理 bànlǐ to handle
护照 hùzhào passport
有效期 yǒuxiàoqī period of validity
延长 yáncháng extend
审查 shěnchá to examine
入境 rùjìng to enter a country
出境 chūjìng to leave the country