Upper-Intermediate - The Monkey King (D0151)

wǒmen zhōumò qù dǎ yǔmáoqiú ba 。
Let’s go and play badminton this weekend.

bùxíng ,wǒ yǒu hěn zhòngyào de shì 。
Can't do. I have something very important planned.

yǒu yuēhuì ?
You have a date?

wǒ yào kàn 《Xīyóujì 》。
I am going to watch "Journey to the West".

tiānna !dōu chóngbō guo jǐbǎi biàn le 。nǐ háiyào kàn !
My goodness! It's been rerun hundreds of times. And you still want to watch it!

wǒ zuì xǐhuan 《Xīyóujì 》le 。xiǎoshíhou ,wǒ hái bù shízì ,jiù míshàng le 《Xīyóujì 》liánhuánhuà 。nàge shíhou ,wǒ de mèngxiǎng jiùshì gēn Táng sēng 、Sūn Wùkōng tāmen yīqǐ qù xītiān qǔjīng 。
‘Journey to the West’ is my favorite. When I was a kid and couldn’t read yet, I loved looking at the picture book version. Back then, my dream was to go with Tang Seng and Sun Wukong on a pilgrimage to the Western Paradise.

那倒是。每个人都喜欢这种天马行空的故事。唐僧,孙悟空,沙和尚, 猪八戒经过妖魔鬼怪设计的八十一难,最后终于到西天取到了经书。故事不但刺激,而且还激励人。
nà dàoshì 。měigerén dōu xǐhuan zhèzhǒng tiānmǎxíngkōng de gùshi 。Táng Sēng ,Sūn Wùkōng ,Shā héshang ,Zhū Bājiè jīngguò yāomóguǐguài shèjì de bāshí yī nàn ,zuìhòu zhōngyú dào xītiān qǔdào le jīngshū 。gùshi bùdàn cìjī ,érqiě hái jīlì rén 。
True. Everyone is drawn to this kind of fantasy. Tang Seng, Sun Wu Kong, Sha Heshang and Zhubajie overcame 81 traps set by ghosts and demons to finally reach the Western Paradise and acquire the sacred scripture. Not only is the story fascinating, it's inspiring too.

hái hěn gǎoxiào ne 。bǐrú Nǚérguó guówáng xiàng Táng Sēng bīhūn de qíngjié 。
It's also pretty funny, like the plot where the Queen of the Country of Woman forced Tang Seng to marry her.

shuōdào Táng sēng ,wǒ zuì bù xǐhuan de jiùshì tā 。Sūn Wùkōng duì tā zhōngxīngěnggěng ,tā què lǎoshi bù lǐngqíng ,hái yuānwang tā ,niàn jǐngūzhòu ,ràng Sūn Wùkōng chī le zhème duō kǔ 。qíshí méiyǒu Sūn Wùkōng dǎ yāoguài ,bǎohù dàjiā ,tāmen sì ge rén zǎo “shàng xītiān ”le 。
Speaking of Tang Seng, I hate him the most. Sun Wu Kong treated him with complete loyalty. But Tang Seng never acknowledged him. He always did him wrong and recited the curse that would squeeze Sun Wu Kong’s head in a metal vice. He put him through so much pain and grief. If it weren’t for Su Wu Kong fighting the ghosts and demons, the four of them would have died early on.

wánquán tóngyì 。xiǎoshíhou ,yī dào jiàqī ,diànshìtái jiù huì bō 《Xīyóujì 》de diànshìjù 。suīrán xiànzài kàn ,xì lǐ de tèxiào jiǎnzhí kěxiào ,dànshì tā wánquán bǎ yuánzhù de gǎnjué pāi chūlai le 。xì lǐ měige yǎnyuán dōu yǎn huó le ,tèbiéshì Liùxiǎolíngtóng bànyǎn de Sūn Wùkōng ,méirén néng chāoyuè tā 。
Totally agree. When I was young, every holiday, TV stations would air the TV series 'Journey to the West'. Although the special effects seem laughable now, it really brought the original novel to life. Plus all the actors played their parts brilliantly, especially Liu Xiaolingtong's Sun Wukong. He is unsurpassable.

ng4 ,wǒ yě zuì xǐhuan tā 。Sūn Wùkōng zhège rénwù běnshēn jiùshì zuì jīngcǎi de ,yōumò 、cōngming 、érqiě tèbié jiǎngyìqi 。
Yeah, he is my favorite too. Sun Wukong really stands out from the rest of the characters in the story. He’s funny, smart, and incredibly loyal.

是啊,他是猴子和人最完美的结合。说到幽默,你觉得周星驰的 《大话西游》怎么样?
shì a ,tā shì hóuzi hé rén zuì wánměi de jiéhé 。shuōdào yōumò ,nǐ juéde Zhōu Xīngchí de 《Dàhuàxīyóu 》zěnmeyàng ?
Totally. He is the perfect combination of monkey and human. Speaking of funny, do you like Stephen Chow's movie 'A Chinese Odyssey'?

zhè bù diànyǐng chúncuì jiùshì wúlítóu gǎoxiào ,méi shénme nèiróng 。zhēn bù dǒng wèishénme zhème duō rén xǐhuan 。
The film is pure slapstick without much content. I really don't understand why so many people like it so much.

周星驰的电影当然无厘头啦。 我倒觉得这种颠覆挺创新的。可以让年轻人了解、喜欢古典名著。
Zhōu Xīngchí de diànyǐng dāngrán wúlítóu la 。 wǒ dào juéde zhèzhǒng diānfù tǐng chuàngxīn de 。kěyǐ ràng niánqīngrén liǎojiě 、xǐhuan gǔdiǎn míngzhù 。
It is a Stephen Chow film. Of course it is slapstick. But I think this kind of spoof is quite innovative. It also allows the young generation to get to know and fall in love with literary classics.

á ?liǎojiě 、xǐhuan ?míngmíng shì zāota 。
What? 'Get to know and fall in love with'? It is clearly ruining them.


取经 qǔjīng to obtain the sacred texts
天马行空 tiānmǎxíngkōng powerful and unconstrained style
忠心耿耿 zhōngxīngěnggěng loyal and devoted
讲义气 jiǎng yìqi to have personal loyalty
纯粹 chúncuì pure
颠覆 diānfù to subvert
创新 chuàngxīn to innovate
四大名著 sìdà míngzhù the Four Chinese Classical Novels
红楼梦 Hónglóumèng Dream of the Red Chamber
三国演义 Sānguóyǎnyì Romance of the Three Kingdoms
水浒传 Shuǐhǔzhuàn The Water Margin
西游记 Xīyóujì Journey to the West