Intermediate - The Jealous Friend (C0293)

zhēn duìbuqǐ ,wǒmen lái wǎn le 。Zhāng Liàng yào jiābān 。tā shízài tài máng le 。
I’m so sorry we’re late. Zhang Liang had to work overtime. He’s really so busy.

nǐhǎo ,shì Chén Jìng ba 。hěn gāoxìng rènshi nǐ 。zhēn duìbuqǐ ,jīntiān wǒ qǐngkè 。
Hi, you must be Chen Jing. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m really sorry. Today it’s my treat.

ò ,nǐ shì tǐng máng de 。wǒ yīzhí tīng Lìli bàoyuàn ne 。
Oh, you are so busy. I’m always hearing Lili complaining about it.

shì ā ,méi bànfǎ 。duōkuī Lìli yǒu nǐ zhège hǎopéngyou ,nǐmen kěyǐ jīngcháng zuòbàn 。
Yeah, it can’t be helped. Luckily, Lili has you as a good friend. You can keep each other company.

jiùshì ,wǒ hé Jìngjing cóng yòuéryuán jiù zài yīqǐ ,shì zuìhǎo de péngyou 。wǒmen diǎn cài ba 。
Exactly. Jing Jing and I have been together since kindergarten. She’s my best friend. Shall we order?

nǐ hái hǎo yìsi shuō ,nǐ zhège rén zhòngsèqīngyǒu 。yǒu le Zhāng Liàng jiù wàng le wǒ 。
You still have the nerve to say that? You value your new boyfriend over an old friend. Now that you have Zhang Liang, you’ve totally forgotten about me.

juéduì méiyǒu 。wǒ kěyǐ zuòzhèng ,Lìli měitiān dōu xiǎng zhe nǐ 。wǒmen qù shénme hǎowán de dìfang ,chī shénme hǎochī de dōngxi dōu shuō yào dài nǐ yīqǐ qù 。
That’s totally not true! I can attest to the fact that Lili thinks about you every day. Whenever we go somewhere fun or eat something good, she always says she wants to take you there too.

wǒ kě bùyào zuò diàndēngpào 。wǒmen diǎn lóngxiā ba ,tīngshuō shì zhèlǐ de zhāopai cài 。
I don’t want to be any third wheel. Let’s order the lobster! I’ve heard that it’s the specialty dish here.

nǐ bù shì jiǎnféi ma ?Zhāng Liàng ,nǐ zuì huì diǎn le 。nǐ lái ba 。
Aren’t you on a diet? Zhang Liang, you’re the best at ordering. You order.

Lìli nǐ xiànzài zěnme zhème xiàng jiātíngzhǔfù ā 。jiù zhīdào xīnténg Zhāng Liàng de qián 。
Lili, how can you act like such a housewife? You just care about saving Zhang Liang money.

āi ,Chén Jìng zhème shòu ,gēnběn bùyòng jiǎn 。wǒmen hái shì chī lóngxiā ba !
Hey, Chen Jing is so thin, she really doesn’t need to lose weight. Why don’t we just have some lobster?

nǐ jīntiān zěnmale ?huǒqì zhème dà ?
What’s wrong with you today? Why are you so angry?

méi shénme ,wǒ chī le lóngxiā jiù hǎo le 。
It’s nothing. I’ll be fine after I have some lobster.


加班 jiābān to work overtime
实在 shízài in reality
请客 qǐngkè to invite guests
一直 yīzhí continuously
抱怨 bàoyuàn complain
多亏 duōkuī thanks to
做伴 zuòbàn to keep someone company
点菜 diǎn cài to order dish
重色轻友 zhòngsèqīngyǒu to value lovers over friends
绝对 juéduì absolutely
作证 zuòzhèng to prove
电灯泡 diàndēngpào third wheel
龙虾 lóngxiā lobster
听说 tīngshuō to hear told
招牌菜 zhāopai cài specialty dish
减肥 jiǎnféi to lose weight
家庭主妇 jiātíngzhǔfù housewife
心疼 xīnténg love dearly
根本 gēnběn at all; simply
火气 huǒqì anger;temper/
注重 zhùzhòng pay attention to, stress
忽略 hūlǜe neglect, ignore
轻视 qīngshì despise, slight
重男轻女 zhòngnánqīngnǚ regard men as superior to women
吃醋 chīcù be jealous (usu. love-related)
私密 sīmì private; secret
照亮 zhàoliàng illuminate