Intermediate - Going to the Dentist (C0275)

yīshēng ,wǒ zuìjìn lǎo yá téng , nǐ néng bāng wǒ kànkan ma ?
Doctor, recently I’ve had a toothache. Can you take a look at it?

hǎo de 。lái ,zuòxia ,zhāngdà zuǐ ,wǒ bāng nǐ jiǎncháyīxià 。nǐ shì zuǒ xià fāng de dàyá téng ?
Sure. Come and sit down, open up your mouth, and I will take a look. Is it the molar on the lower left side that is sore?

shìde shìde 。wǒ yī yòng zuǒbian yáchǐ jiáo dōngxi ,jiù huì yǒu zuānxīn bān de téngtòng ,zhēn nánshòu 。
Yes, yes. As soon as I use the teeth on the left side of my mouth to chew things, I feel a piercing sort of pain. It’s really terrible.

nǐ kàn ,nǐ zuǒ xià fāng yǒu yī kē zhùyá ,yǐjīng bèi zhù le yī ge dà dòng le 。
Look, your lower left side molar has some decay. It’s already turned into a big cavity.

ā ?shì ma ?nà zěnme bàn yā ,yīshēng ?
Oh really? So, what needs to be done, Doctor?

nǐ xūyào bǔyá 。búguò bié dānxīn ,hěn jiǎndān de ,yīhuì jiù hǎo 。
You need a filling. But don’t worry, its very straightforward and will be done in no time.

nà huìbuhuì hěn tòng ?kěyǐ zhèngcháng chīfàn ma ?
But, will it be very painful? Will I be able to eat normally?

kěyǐ de 。yīkāishǐ kěnéng huì yǒuyīdiǎn tòng ,guò jǐtiān jiù hǎo le 。
No problem. In the beginning it might be a little bit painful, but in a few days it will be fine.


lǎo always
检查 jiǎnchá to inspect
jiáo to chew
钻心般 zuānxīn bān piercingly painful
难受 nánshòu difficult to bear
蛀牙 zhùyá decayed teeth
补牙 bǔyá to fill a tooth
正常 zhèngcháng normally
大牙 dàyá molar
zhù to bear through
宁愿 nìngyuàn would rather
农作物 nóngzuòwù farm crops
抱怨 bàoyuàn complain
责怪 zéguài 责怪
总称 zǒngchēng generally be called
方位 fāngwèi direction/
有利 yǒulì to have advantages
咀嚼 jǔjué chew
jiáo to chew
珍珠 zhēnzhū pearl
被动时态 bèidòng shítài passiveness tense