Intermediate - Growing Affections (C0265)

A:Lìli ,dōu zhème wǎn le 。wǒ sòng nǐ huíjiā ba 。
Lily, it’s really late. I will walk you home, OK?

B:míngtiān háiyào shàngbān ,háishì bié máfan nǐ le 。
You have to work tomorrow. I don’t want to trouble you.

A:bié duì wǒ zhème kèqì ā 。wǒ lián nǐ zhù nǎr5 dōu bù zhīdào ,yǐhòu zěnme lái jiē nǐ shàngbān ne ?
Don’t be so polite. I don’t even know where you live. In the future how will I be able to pick you up for work?

B:hǎoba 。jīntiān nǐ yòu diǎn nàme duō cài ,chī dōu chībuwán 。
All right. Today, once again, you ordered so many dishes that we couldn’t finish them all.

A:méiguānxi de ,zhǐyào nǐ xǐhuan jiù hǎo 。nǐ měitiān shàngbān zhème yuǎn ,wǒ zhēn xīnténg 。
It doesn’t matter. As long as you liked them, that’s all that matters. You work so far from home, I really feel for you.

B:háikěyǐ 。nǐ shàngbān gèng lèi 。měitiān háiyào péi wǒ liáotiān liáo dào zhème wǎn 。
It’s not that bad. You work even harder. Plus, every day you also chat with me until so late.

A:qíshí ,zhè shì wǒ yī tiān zhōng zuì kuàilè de shíhou 。nǐ de jiémáo zhēn piàoliang 。
Actually, that’s the happiest part of my day. Your eyelashes are so pretty.

B:yīnwèi wǒ yòng jiémáogāo yā 。
That’s because I used mascara.

A:kěshì nǐ bùyòng kǒuhóng ,zuǐchún hái shì nàme piàoliang 。nǐ zhīdào ma ,wǒ yī tiān zhōng zuì shīluò de shíhou jiùshì líkāi nǐ 。
But even when you don’t wear lipstick, your lips are still so beautiful. You know, the saddest part of my day is when I leave you.

B:zhēn tǎoyàn 。
Oh, stop it.


sòng to take
麻烦 máfan trouble
客气 kèqì polite
lián even
jiē to pick up
吃不完 chībuwán cannot finish
只要......就...... zhǐyào...jiù... as long as
心疼 xīnténg feel for (someone)
péi to accompany
其实 qíshí actually
聊天 liáotiān to chat
睫毛 jiémáo eyelash
睫毛膏 jiémáogāo mascara
口红 kǒuhóng lipstick
失落 shīluò to feel a loss
谈恋爱 tánliànài dating
肉麻 ròumá disgusting
强调 qiángdiào to emphasize
突出 tūchū to stand out
小气 xiǎoqì stingy
看重 kànzhòng to think highly of
甜言蜜语 tiányánmìyǔ sweet talk
花花公子 huāhuāgōngzǐ beautiful prince
预兆 yùzhào omen