Intermediate - A Fated Meeting (C0230)

nǐ shì Chén Lí ma ?wǒ shì Zhāng Liàng 。
Are you Chen Li? I’m Zhang Liang.

nǐhǎo 。nǐ lái le hěn jiǔ ma ?zhēn bùhǎoyìsi ràng nǐ jiǔ děng le 。lùshang tài dǔ le 。
Hi. Have you been here a long time? I am really sorry to keep you waiting. The traffic was really bad.

méishìr 。wǒ gāng lái le yīhuìr5 。wǒmen qù pángbiān de kāfēiguǎn zuòzuo ba 。
It doesn't matter, I've only been here a short while. Let's go sit down in the coffee shop over there.

hǎo 。nǐ běnrén hé wǎngshàng de gǎnjué tǐng xiàng de 。
Ok. In person you seem very similar to how you seem online.

shì ma ?biérén dōu shuō wǒ běnrén bǐ zhàopiàn shuài 。kāiwánxiào 。
Do I? People all say I'm better looking in person. Only joking.

hā ,háikěyǐ 。
Ha, not bad.

nǐ xiǎng hē shénme ?rè de hái shì bīng de ?
What would you like to drink? Hot or cold?

rè mókǎ 。nǐ ne ?
A hot mocha. What about you?

wǒ yě hē mókǎ 。āi ,nǐ píngshí gōngzuò máng ma ?
I'll have a hot mocha as well. Is work busy?

hái hǎo 。jīběnshang bùyòng jiābān 。nǐ ne ?
It's all right. I normally don't have to work overtime. How about you?

āi ,nǐ zhēn xìngfú 。wǒ chàbuduō tiāntiān jiābān 。nǐ píngshí dōu zài jiālǐ shàngwǎng ma ?
Wow, you're lucky. I work late pretty much all the time. So you usually go online at home?

shìā 。xiàbān yǐhòu méishìr5 gàn ,suǒyǐ shàngshangwǎng 。bùguò wǒmen de lùntán hái zhēn yǒuyìsi ,dàjiā dōu tǐng yǒu xiǎngfǎ de 。āi ,nǐ píngshí shàngbān zhème máng ,zěnme hái yǒu zhème duō shíjiān shàngwǎng ne ?
Yes. When I get off work I have nothing to do, so I go online. But our BBS is a lot of fun. Everyone seems to have interesting ideas. How do you find so much time to stay online with such a busy work schedule?

jīngcháng shì jiābān de shíhou tōutōu shàng 。wǒ yě hěn xǐhuan zhège lùntán lǐ de rén ,tèbiéshì ......
I often do it secretly while working overtime. I also like the people on the BBS very much, especially...

wǒmen mókǎ hǎo le 。
Our mochas are ready.


久等 jiǔděng wait for a long time
基本上 jīběnshang basically
幸福 xìngfú fortunate
论坛 lùntán forum
想法 xiǎngfǎ ideas
偷偷 tōutōu stealthily, secretly
特别 tèbié especially
严肃 yánsù serious
浪漫 làngmàn romantic
紧张 jǐnzhāng nervous
借口 jièkǒu excuse
尴尬 gāngà embarrassed, awkward
频率 pínlǜ frequency
额外 éwài extra, additional
收入 shōurù income
功课 gōngkè homework
补习 bǔxí take lessons after school
假装 jiǎzhuāng pretend
懂事 dǒngshì sensible