Intermediate - Using a Dictionary (C0220)

wǒ xiànzài zhèngzài xuéxí chá zhōngwén zìdiǎn ,kěshì wǒ juéde hǎo nán 。
I am learning how to look up Chinese characters in a dictionary, but it's really tough.

bié dānxīn ,gēnjù zì de bùshǒu lái chá zìdiǎn ,yīdìng yào xiān nòng qīngchu zì de jiégòu hé bùshǒu 。
Don't worry. You look up a character according to its radical, but you have to first be clear about the character's structure and radical.

wǒ jiùshì zhèyàng zuò de yā 。wǒ shǒuxiān fēnxī zhège zì shì zuǒyòu jiégòu háishi shàngxià jiégòu ,ránhòu zài cházhǎo tā de bùshǒu ,kě hái shì jīngcháng zhǎobudào 。
That's exactly the way I do it. I start by analyzing whether a character is structured left/right or top/bottom, then look for its radical. Still, I often can't find the character.

shì ma ?nǐ yīdìng yào xiān quèdìng zhèngquè de bùshǒu ,shǔ qīng bùshǒu de bǐhuà shù 。rúguǒ bǐhuà shǔ cuò le ,jiù zhǎobudào le 。
Really? You have to determine the correct radical, and count the number of strokes in the radical. If the number of the strokes is wrong, you won’t be able to find it.

kěshì yǒu yīxiē hěn jiǎndān de zì ,wǒ fēnbuqīng nǎge shì tā de bùshǒu ,bù zhīdào yào zěnme qù chá 。
But some of the characters are really simple, and I can't figure out which is the radical, so I never know how to look them up.

zhèxie zì nǐ kěyǐ zhíjiē gēnjù zhège zì de suǒyǒu bǐhuà lái cházhǎo 。
For these kinds of characters, you can look them up by total number of strokes.

yuánlái rúcǐ ,zhēnshì tài gǎnxiè nǐ le 。nà wǒ rúguǒ xiǎng chá yī ge cíyǔ dehuà ,zěnme bàn ?
Ah, I see. I really appreciate your help. What should I do if I want to look up a word?

rúguǒ nǐ yào chá yī ge cíyǔ ,jiù yào yòng cídiǎn 。
To look up a word, you have to use a word dictionary.

xièxie nǐ jiāo gěi wǒ zhèxie hǎo fāngfǎ ,wǒ xiànzài jiù qù shìshi 。
Thanks for teaching me these methods. I’m going to go try them out now.


正在 zhèngzài currently
chá to look up
字典 zìdiǎn dictionary
担心 dānxīn to worry
根据 gēnjù according to
部首 bùshǒu character radical
字典 zìdiǎn character dictionary
一定 yīdìng definitely
yào must
xiān first
弄清楚 nòng qīngchu to make clear
结构 jiégòu structure
部首 bùshǒu character radical
就是 jiùshì to be exactly
首先 shǒuxiān first of all
分析 fēnxī to analyze
这个 zhège this
左右 zuǒyòu left and right
上下 shàngxià up and down
结构 jiégòu structure
然后 ránhòu then
查找 cházhǎo to locate
它的 tā de its
部首 bùshǒu character radical
找不到 zhǎobudào to be unable to find
确定 quèdìng to confirm
正确 zhèngquè correct
shǔ to count
qīng clearly
笔画 bǐhuà strokes of a Chinese character
shù number
数错 shǔ cuò miscount
找不到了 zhǎobudào le to be unable to find
分不清 fēnbuqīng to be unable to differentiate
yào to want
chá to look up
直接 zhíjiē directly
通晓 tōngxiǎo thoroughly understand
概念 gàiniàn concept
建筑物 jiànzhùwù building
遵守 zūnshǒu to respect
清晰 qīngxī clarity
原始 yuánshǐ first
独立 dúlì independence
详细 xiángxì in detail