Intermediate - Old Friend (C0194)

āi ,zhème qiǎo !shì nǐ ā !
Wow, what a coincidence! Is it you?

āiyā ,shì ā 。hǎojiǔbùjiàn !nǐ zěnmeyàng ?
Man, I haven't seen you in ages. How have you been?

háixíng ba 。nǐ bǐ yǐqián gèng shuài le !zěnmeyàng ,xiànzài zài nǎli fācái ā ?
I'm all right. You look even better than before! So where are you making your fortune these days?

tánbushàng fācái 。jiùshì pǔtōng de gōngzuò 。wǒ dàoshì tīngshuō nǐ hěn bùcuò 。dàng zǒngjīnglǐ le ,shìyè hěn shùnlì 。
It's no fortune; It's just an ordinary job. I've heard that you, however, are doing quite well for yourself. You're a general manager now. Your career is going really well.

nǎli 。yībān 。hěn xiǎo de gōngsī 。āi ,gāozhōng bìyè yǐhòu ,wǒ zěnme jiù liánxì budào nǐ le ?
Oh, it's not all that. It's just a small company that I am working for. How come I couldn't get in touch with you after we graduated from high school?

shì yā 。wǒ bānjiā le ,hòulái yòu dào wàidì shàng dàxué 。xiànzài hái zài nàli gōngzuò ne 。zhècì shì huílai xiūjià 。
Oh, that's because I moved, and then I went off to another city for university. I'm still working there. I'm home on holiday right now.

nǐ liú ge diànhuà gěi wǒ ,nǎ tiān yǒukòng ,wǒmen yuē qítā lǎotóngxué yīqǐ chūlai jùju 。
Well, give me your number. We'll arrange a reunion with the other classmates when we get a chance.

āi ,hǎo de hǎo de 。dàjiā duōshǎo nián méi jiàn le 。biànhuà hěn dà ba ?
Well, sure. How many years has it been since we've all seen each other? They must have changed a lot.

shì ā ,hǎo duō rén dōu fāfú le 。
Yeah, many of them have put on some weight.


顺利 shùnlì smooth
变化 biànhuà change
搬家 bānjiā move house
毕业 bìyè to graduate
yuē to make an appointment with
外地 wàidì another city
休假 xiūjià to be on holiday
发福 fāfú to put on some weight
碰到 pèngdào to meet sb. by chance
客气 kèqi be polite
中庸之道 zhōngyōngzhīdào doctrine of the mean
聪明 cōngming smart
天才 tiāncái genius
专注于 zhuānzhù yú devote one’s mind to
旅途 lǚtú on one’s journey
建议 jiànyì to make suggestion
鼓励 gǔlì to encourage
单独 dāndú alone
称赞 chēngzàn to praise
时机 shíjī opportunity
掌握 zhǎngwò to master, to grasp
谈恋爱 tiánliànài to date
爱面子 àimiànzi be self-conscious (lit. to love face)
自大 zìdà arrogant
气色 qìsè complexion
一路顺风 yīlùshùnfēng have a nice trip