Intermediate - Introducing Hotels (C0174)

wǒ xiàxīngqī yào qù Zhōngguó 。Zhōngguó de jiǔdiàn guì ma ?
I am going to China next week. Are the hotels there expensive?

nà yào kàn nǐ qù nǎli 。dàchéngshì ,bǐrú Běijīng hé Shànghǎi bǐjiào guì 。nǐ de yùsuàn shì duōshǎo ?
That depends on where you are going. Big cities like Beijing and Shanghai are more expensive. What is your budget?

wǒ huì qù Shànghǎi hé Hǎinán 。wǒ xiǎng zhù chàbuduō wǔshí měijīn yī wǎn de 。yào gānjìng ,chūrù fāngbiàn ,zuìhǎo hái néng shàngwǎng 。
I am going to Shanghai and Hainan. I want to spend about 50 dollars per night. The hotel has to be clean and conveniently located. It would be great if they also had an internet connection.

wǔshí měijīn zài Shànghǎi néng zhù shìzhōngxīn sānxīngjí de jiǔdiàn 。Hǎinán de jiǔdiàn xiànzài hěn piányi ,yīnwèi shì dànjì 。wǔshí měijīn kěyǐ zhù sìxīngjí , shènzhì wǔxīngjí de jiǔdiàn 。bùguò zhùbùliǎo hǎijǐng fáng 。
50 dollars can get you into a 3-star hotel in downtown Shanghai. It's very cheap to stay in a hotel in Hainan now because it's the off season. 50 dollars can get you a 4 or even 5-star hotel. But you won't get a room with an ocean view.

zhēndema ?nà wǒ qù Hǎinán zhēnshì tiāoduì le shíjiān 。wǒ tīngshuō Shànghǎi yǒu xǔduō jīngjìxíng liánsuǒ jiǔdiàn 。dàgài liǎngbǎi rénmínbì yī wǎn 。zhèzhǒng jiǔdiàn wèizhi hé shèshī zěnmeyàng ?
Really? I've picked the right time to go to Hainan then. I heard there are many budget hotel chains in Shanghai priced at around 200 rmb per night. Do you know anything about their location and facilities?

wǒ shàngcì qù Shànghǎi jiùshì zhù zhèzhǒng jiǔdiàn 。wǒ bǎ dìngfáng diànhuà gàosu nǐ 。wǒ zhù de nà jiā jiāotōng fāngbiàn ,érqiě hěn gānjìng 。fángjiān lǐ hái yǒu wúxiànshàngwǎng 。hěn duō bèibāo lǚxíngkè shènzhì shānglǚ kèrén dōu xǐhuan nàli 。
I stayed in one of those hotels on my last trip to Shanghai. I will give you the reservation number. The one I stayed at is conveniently located and very clean. It also had a wireless internet connection in the room. Many backpackers, even business travelers like it there.

tài bàng le !wǒ jiù xuǎn zhè jiā ,ránhòu yòng shěngxià de qián qù Hǎinán shēngjí zhù hǎijǐng fáng 。
Terrific! That's my pick then. I will use the money left over to upgrade to an ocean view room in Hainan.

nǐ kě zhēn huì suànzhàng 。
You're quite the accountant!


预算 yùsuàn budget
方便 fāngbiàn convenient
设施 shèshī facilities
位置 wèizhi position
淡季 dànjì off-season
连锁 liánsuǒ chain
海景房 hǎijǐng fáng a room with an ocean view
无线上网 wúxiàn shàngwǎng wireless internet
建议 jiànyì proposal
单人房 dānrén fáng single room
双人房 shuāngrén fáng double room
标准间 biāozhǔn jiān standard room
豪华间 háohuá jiān luxurious room
商务套房 shāngwù tàofáng business suites
总统套房 zǒngtǒng tàofáng Presidential suites
国际连锁 guójì liánsuǒ international chain
齐全 qíquán extensive
享受 xiǎngshòu to enjoy
经济头脑 jīngjì tóunao economy head, clever with money
精明 jīngmíng bright; canniness/
旺季 wàngjì busy season
打折 dǎzhé to discount
有线电视 yǒuxiàn diànshì cable television;CATV
数字电视 shùzì diànshì digital television;DTV