Intermediate - Street Food (C0162)

Shànghǎi de lùbiān xiǎochī zhēn duō 。yòu piányi yòu hǎochī 。wǒ měitiān zǎofàn dōu zài lùbiān mǎi 。
There are so many kinds of street food in Shanghai. They’re both cheap and tasty. I buy my breakfast on the street every day.

shì a 。wǒ yě xǐhuan lùbiāntān 。 nǐ zǎofàn cháng mǎi shénme ?
That’s the truth. I like street food stalls too. What do you usually buy for breakfast?

wǒ jīngcháng huàn huāyàng 。yǒudeshíhou chī bāozi ,yǒushí chī dàbǐng yóutiáo 。nǐ xǐhuan chī shénme ?
I often change and try different things. Sometimes I eat steamed buns, sometimes I eat Chinese flat cake with deep fried dough stick. What do you like to eat?

wǒ xǐhuan zài lùbiān mǎi yèxiāo 。wǒ zuì ài chī mālàtàng 。yángròuchuàn yě hěn hǎochī 。
I like buying late night snacks on the street. My favorite is hot and spicy soup. Lamb kebabs are great too.

wǒ zài Běijīng chūchāi shí ,kàndào lùbiān yǒu xǔduō mài bīngtáng húlu hé ròujiámó de tānzi 。
When I was in Beijing on business, I saw a lot of stalls selling caramelized hawthorn sticks and meat-stuffed pita sandwiches.

shìa 。nánběi de lùbiān xiǎochī pǐnzhǒng bùtài yíyàng 。búguò ,zhǔyào dōu shì mài dāngdì de tèsè xiǎochī 。
That’s right. There is quite a difference between street foods in the North and South. Most sell local specialty snacks.

méicuò 。lùbiān de xiǎochī shì zuì zhèngzōng de 。jiàqian yě tèbié piányi 。shí kuài qián jiù néng chī de hěn bǎo 。
That’s true. Food from the street is the most authentic and is also incredibly cheap. It only costs 10 yuan to eat until you’re stuffed.

duìā 。kěshì yǒuxiē lùbiāntān bùtài wèishēng 。yào jǐnliàng tiāo gānjìng de 。
Exactly. But some street booths are not very clean. You have to try to pick the cleaner ones.


路边 lùbiān roadside
小吃 xiǎochī snack
早饭 zǎofàn breakfast
路边摊 lùbiāntān street food stalls
huàn to change
花样 huāyàng variety
有的时候 yǒudeshíhou sometimes
包子 bāozi steamed stuffed bun
有时 yǒushí sometimes
大饼 dàbǐng Chinese flat cake
油条 yóutiáo deep-fried twisted dough sticks
夜宵 yèxiāo nighttime snack
麻辣烫 mālàtàng hot and spicy soup
羊肉串 yángròuchuàn mutton kebab
出差 chūchāi to go abroad on business
看到 kàndào to see
许多 xǔduō several
冰糖葫芦 bīngtáng húlu candied haws on a stick
肉夹馍 ròujiámó meat-stuffed pita sandwiches
摊子 tānzi booth
南北 nánběi north and south
品种 pǐnzhǒng variety
主要 zhǔyào main
臭豆腐 chòu dòufu strong-smelling preserved beancurd; stinky tofu/
烤红薯 kǎo hóngshǔ toasted sweet potato
烤鱿鱼 kǎo yóuyú roasted sleeve-fish
香菜 xiāngcài parsley;coriander
煎饼 jiānbǐng thin pancake
小笼包 xiǎolóngbāo small steamed meat-filled buns