Intermediate - Complaining to the Waiter (C0132)

wǒ hěn tǎoyàn yǒurén zài fàndiàn de fēixīyānqū chōuyān 。zuótiān ,wǒ hé wǒ de nǚpéngyou zài fàndiàn chīfàn ,pángbiān zhuō de nánrén kāishǐ chōuyān 。
I really hate it when someone smokes in the non-smoking area of a restaurant. Yesterday I was having dinner with my girlfriend when the guy next to our table started to smoke.

nǐ wèishénme bù jiào tā bié chōu le ?
Why didn’t you ask him to stop smoking?

wǒ shuō le 。dànshì tā bùlǐ wǒ 。tā yībiān chōuyān ,yībiān dàshēng de dǎshǒujī 。wǒ fēicháng shēngqì 。suǒyǐ wǒ xiàng fúwùyuán tóusù 。
I did and he just ignored me. He was smoking and talking loudly on his mobile. I was so pissed off. So I complained to the waiter.

fúwùyuán shuō shénme ?tā zěnme chǔlǐ ?
What did the waiter say? How did he handle it?

fúwùyuán hěn gāngà ,tā shuō nàge nánrén shì fàndiàn de lǎobǎn 。tā méi bànfǎ 。
The waiter was really embarrassed and told me that the guy was the boss of the restaurant. There was nothing he could do.

jiēxiàlái zěnme le ?
What happened next?

wǒmen méiyǒu gěi xiǎofèi 。
We didn’t leave a tip.


讨厌 tǎoyàn to hate
抽烟 chōuyān to smoke a cigarette
投诉 tóusù to complain
处理 chǔlǐ to handle
尴尬 gāngà embarassed
办法 bànfǎ method
小费 xiǎofèi tip
非吸烟区 fēixīyānqū non-smoking area
厌恶 yànwù detest
反映 fǎnyìng report
态度 tàidù attitude
理睬 lǐcǎi pay attention to
影响 yǐngxiǎng influence
声誉 shēngyù fame