Intermediate - Family Life (C0125)

zài Zhōngguó chuántǒng guānniàn lǐ ,fùqin yīnggāi chéngdān yǎngjiāhūkǒu de zérèn 。
In the traditional Chinese way of seeing things, a father should be responsible for supporting the family.

tā nǔlì gōngzuò ,ràng jiārén guò hǎo rìzi 。
He works hard to give his family a good life.

mǔqīn de zérèn shì zhàogu yījiārén de shēnghuó 。
A mother's responsibility is to take care of the whole family.

háizi yīnggāi xiàojìng fùmǔ ,zhǎngbèi 。
The children should obey and respect their parents and people more senior than themselves.

yīnggāi tīng bàba māma de huà 。
They should listen to and obey their parents.

Zhōngguó de fùmǔ fēicháng zhòngshì háizi de jiàoyù 。
Parents in China pay a lot of attention to their children's education.

duì tāmen yǒu hěn gāo de qīwàng 。
They have very high expectations of them.


传统 chuántǒng traditional
观念 guānniàn concept
父亲 fùqin father
应该 yīnggāi should
承担 chéngdān to bear
养家糊口 yǎngjiāhūkǒu to support the family
责任 zérèn responsibility
ràng to let
好日子 hǎo rìzi good day
母亲 mǔqīn mother
照顾 zhàogu to attend to
孝敬 xiàojìng to respect
长辈 zhǎngbèi elders
重视 zhòngshì to regard as important
教育 jiàoyù education
期望 qīwàng expectation; hope
依靠 yīkào to depend on
赚钱 zhuànqián to make money
相夫教子 xiàngfūjiàozǐ assist one's husband and educate the children (of a virtuous woman)
有出息 yǒuchūxi have good prospects; will go far
寄托 jìtuō to push
望子成龙 wàngzǐchénglóng hope one's children will have bright futures