Intermediate - A Promotion (C0123)

jīntiān wǒ yǒu hǎo xiāoxi 。lǎobǎn gàosù wǒ tā zhǔnbèi shēng wǒ zuò shìchǎng bù jīnglǐ 。
I got some great news today. My boss told me that she is going to promote me to marketing manager.

tài hǎole !nǐ xiǎngdào huì shēng zhí ma ?
That’s fantastic! Did you expect to get a promotion?

méiyǒu 。wǒ cóngláiméiyǒu xiǎngdào zhème kuài huì shēng zhí 。dànshì ,lǎobǎn shuō wǒ de gōngzuò tàidu hé biǎoxiàn dōu hěn chūsè 。tā shuō wǒ yīnggāi bèi shēng zhí 。
No. I never expected to get a promotion so soon. But my boss said that my working attitude and performance are excellent and that I deserve a promotion.

nǐ jiā duōshǎo xīnshuǐ ?
How much of a raise are you getting?

bǎifēn zhī shí 。
Ten percent.


消息 xiāoxi news
升职 shēngzhí to promote
想到 xiǎngdào to think of
态度 tàidu attitude
从来没有 cónglái méiyǒu have never
出色 chūsè remarkable
百分之…… bǎifēnzhī ... ... percent
降职 jiàngzhí demotion
辞职 cízhí to resign
跳槽 tiàocáo to change companies
炒鱿鱼 chǎo yóuyú fire;dismiss
加薪 jiāxīn raise sb's pay