Intermediate - Shanghai Fashion (C0116)

Shànghǎi jīngcháng bèi chēng wéi dōngfāng Bālí 。yīnwèi Shànghǎirén , tèbiéshì Shànghǎi nǚxìng fēicháng zhòngshì zìjǐ de wàibiǎo 。Shànghǎi yǒu hěn duō bǎihuòshāngdiàn 。nǚxìng kěyǐ mǎi zuì shímáo de yīfu 。xǔduō nǚxìng huā hěn duō qián mǎi yīfu hé pèishì 。bǎihuòshāngdiàn dǎzhé de shíhòu , shāngdiàn wài jīngcháng yǒu rén páiduì 。Shànghǎi nǚxìng de pǐnwèi shì quánguó yǒumíng de 。
Shanghai is often called ‘the Paris of the East’.Because the Shanghainese people, and especially the Shanghai women, pay close attention to their appearance.There are many department stores in Shanghai.Shanghainese women can buy the trendiest clothes.Many women spend a lot of money buying clothes and accessories.When department stores have a sale, there are often people lined up outside


bèi by
重视 zhòngshì to regard as important
时髦 shímáo fashionable
配饰 pèishì accessory
打折 dǎzhé to discount
品味 pǐnwèi taste
有名 yǒumíng famous
外表 wàibiǎo external appearance
百货商店 bǎihuòshāngdiàn department store
排队 páiduì lined up
赶时髦 gǎn shímáo to follow fashion
流行 liúxíng popular
潮流 cháoliú trend
折扣 zhékòu discount
名牌 míngpái famous brand