Intermediate - How was your date? (C0106)

Shuō shuo nǐ zuówǎn de yuēhuì zěnmeyàng?
Tell me about your date last night. How did it go?
Búcuò. Wǒ zhēn xǐhuan zhège nǚhái. Tā bùjǐn piàoliang, érqiě xìnggé hěn hǎo.
It was great. I really like this girl. Not only is she beautiful, but she has a great personality.
Duì. Wǒ jìde nǐ hé nǐ qiánnǚyǒu fēnshǒu jiùshì yīnwèi tā tài yánsù.
Yeah. I remember you broke up with your last girlfriend because she was too severe.
Méicuò. Wǒ xiǎng zhǎo yōumò kāilǎng de nǚhái.
That’s right. I’m looking for a girl who is funny and outgoing.

Key Vocabulary

Supplementary Vocabulary