Intermediate - Future Goals (C0104)

wǒ hěn shàngjìn ,yuànyì yǐhòu nǔlì gōngzuò 。
I’m ambitious and I’m willing to work hard in the future.

wǒ de mùbiāo zhīyī shì qù Zhōngguó zuòshēngyi 。
One of my goals is to go to China to do business.

chénglì zìjǐ de gōngsī 。
I want to set up my own company.

wǒ dǎsuàn cóng Zhōngguó chūkǒu fúzhuāng dào Měiguó 。
I plan to export clothes from China to America.

rúguǒ wǒ nǔlì gōngzuò ,wǒ xiǎng wǒ huì chénggōng 。
If I work hard, I think I will be successful.


上进 shàngjìn eager to make progress
愿意 yuànyì to be willing
努力 nǔlì to strive
以后 yǐhòu afterwards
目标 mùbiāo goal
之一 zhīyī one of
做生意 zuòshēngyi to do business
成立 chénglì to establish
打算 dǎsuàn to plan
金融 jīnróng banking; finance
投资 tóuzī to invest
证券 zhèngquàn financial securities
代理 dàilǐ agent
总裁 zǒngcái director of a business
周游世界 zhōuyóu shìjiè travel all over the world