Intermediate - Pop Music and Pop Culture (C0085)

Zhōngguó de niánqīngrén xǐhuan tīng liúxíng yīnyuè 。bǐrú shuō jīnnián zuì shòuhuānyíng de gēshǒu shì Páng Lóng 。guòqù xīfāng liúxíng yīnyuè zài Zhōngguó hěn shòuhuānyíng 。xiànzài rìběn hé Hánguó de liúxíng yīnyuè yě hěn huǒ 。
Young people in China like to listen to pop music. For example, this year the most popular singer is Pang Long. In the past western pop music was very popular in China. Now Japanese and Korean pop music is very hot too.

xiànzài niánqīngrén jīngcháng pàobā 。tāmen huì zài dítīng lǐ tiàowǔ ,zài jiǔbā lǐ tīng yīnyuè ,hé péngyou liáotiān 。zài Zhōngguó zhè shì xīnxiān shìwù 。guòqù niánqīngrén bù yuànyì qù jiǔbā 。xiànzài tāmen xíguàn zài jiǔbā lǐ yǔ rén shèjiāo 。
Now young people often go bar hopping. They can dance in discos, and listen to music and chat with friends in bars. This is a new thing in China. In the past young people weren’t willing to go to bars. Now they are used to socializing in bars.


年轻人 niánqīngrén young people
流行音乐 liúxíng yīnyuè popular music
比如说 bǐrú shuō for example
zuì most
受欢迎 shòuhuānyíng popular
huǒ hot
泡吧 pàobā to kill time in a bar
迪厅 dítīng disco hall
酒吧 jiǔbā bar
愿意 yuànyì to be willing to
习惯 xíguàn to be used to
社交 shèjiāo to interact socially
经常 jīngcháng often
新鲜 xīnxiān fresh
事物 shìwù thing
网吧 wǎngbā internet cafe
古典 gǔdiǎn classical
排行榜 páihángbǎng a list of names arranged according to seniority or place in a competition
网络游戏 wǎngluò yóuxì online game
交流 jiāoliú exchange