Intermediate - Keeping in Touch (C0084)

wèi 。Lǐ Xiānsheng 。hǎojiǔ bújiàn 。bùhǎoyìsi ,zuìjìn wǒ méi shíjiān gēn nǐ jiànmiàn 。nǐ zěnmeyàng ?
Hello? Mr. Li. Long time no see. I'm sorry that lately I haven't had the time to see you. How are you doing?

nǐhǎo 。nà bùyàojǐn 。wǒ dǎ le sān cì diànhuà gěi nǐ 。 yīcì dǎ bù tōng , háiyǒu liǎng cì méirén jiē 。
Hello. Don't worry about it. I called you three times. Once I couldn't get through and twice no one answered.

bùhǎoyìsi ,wǒde diànhuà hàomǎ gǎi le 。xiànzài de shì liùsānsìsìwǔwǔjiǔbā 。
Sorry. I changed my telephone number. My new number is 6344-5598.

qiántiān wǒ fā le yī fēng emailgěi nǐ 。 nǐ shōudào le ma ?
I sent you an email the day before yesterday. Did you get it?

wǒ zuìjìn méi bànfǎ yòng wǒde email。 nǐ yǒu shénme shì ?
Recently I haven't had any way to check my email. What’s the matter?

nǐ shénme shíhòu yǒukòng ?wǒ xiǎng gēn nǐ tántan 。
When do you have time? I'd like to talk with you.

nà nǐ gēn wǒde mìshū liánxì hǎo ma ?tā huì bāng nǐ ānpái shíjiān 。
In that case contact my secretary. She can help you arrange a time.

hǎo 。jiù zhèyàng 。yǐhòu zài gēn nǐ liáo 。zàijiàn 。
Okay. We’ll do it like that. I'll chat with you later on. Goodbye.


有时间 yǒu shíjiān to have time
跟……见面 gēn ... jiànmiàn to meet
要紧 yàojǐn important
打不通 dǎ bù tōng to dial, but not get through
jiē to pick up
gǎi to change
to send
shōu to receive
有空 yǒukòng to have free time
联系 liánxì to get in contact with
bāng to help
办法 bànfǎ means
还有 háiyǒu and
联系不上 liánxì bushàng can contact with
空号 kōnghào empty number
手机停机 shǒujī tíngjī cell phone
出故障 chū gùzhàng to have trouble
失踪 shīzōng to be missing
当面 dāngmiàn in front of someone's face
面谈 miàntán to chat person-to-person
紧急 jǐnjí emergency
重要 zhòngyào important
要事 yàoshì important thing
约个时间 yuē ge shíjiān have a date