Intermediate - Describing Travels (C0078)

wǒ xiàgeyuè qù Zhōngguó dùjià liǎng ge xīngqī 。wǒ hái méi juédìng qù nǎli 。
I’m going to China next month for two weeks vacation, but I still haven’t decided where in China to go.

zhēndema ?wǒ liǎngnián qián qù guo Zhōngguó 。wǒ zài nàlǐ wán de hěn kāixīn 。
Really? I went to China two years ago. I had a great time.

nà nǐ gěi wǒ yīdiǎn jiànyì ba 。nǎli hǎowán ?
Then give me some suggestions. Where is fun?

rúguǒ wǒ shì nǐ ,wǒ huì zài Běijīng dāi sān tiān 。yīnwèi Běijīng yǒu hěn duō míngshènggǔjī ,bǐrú shuō chángchéng ,yíhéyuán ,tiānānménguǎngchǎng 。
If I were you, I’d stay in Beijing for three days because there are many tourist attractions in Beijing, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and Tiananmen Square.

wǒ tīngshuō Shànghǎi yě bùcuò 。yīnggāi qù Shànghǎi ma ?
I’ve heard Shanghai is pretty good too. Should I go to Shanghai?

yīdìng yào qù 。nǐ yīnggāi zài Shànghǎi dāi sān tiān ,yīnwèi Shànghǎi shì yī ge shíshàng dūshì ,yèshēnghuó hé gòuwù shì hěn yǒumíng de 。nǐ hái kěyǐ shùnbiàn qù Hángzhōu 。
You absolutely must go. You should spend three days in Shanghai because it is a fashionable city. It’s famous for its night life and shopping. You can also go to Hangzhou quite conveniently.

ō ,tīngshuō Hángzhōu de fēngjǐng hěn měi érqiě hái shì ge fàngsōng de hǎo dìfang 。
Oh, I’ve heard Hanghou’s scenery is very beautiful, and it’s also a good place to relax.

zuìhòu ,nǐ hái yīnggāi qù xiānggǎng ,yīnwèi xiānggǎng shì yàzhōu zuì yǒumíng de gòuwù tiāntáng 。
Finally, you should go to Hong Kong because Hong Kong is the most famous shopping paradise in Asia.

tài hǎole 。wǒ děngbùjí yàoqù zhōngguó 。
Great. I can’t wait to go to China.


下个 xiàge next
度假 dùjià go on holiday
建议 jiànyì suggestions
决定 juédìng to decide
dāi stay
名胜古迹 míngshènggǔjī scenic spots and historical places
比如说 bǐrú shuō for example
颐和园 yíhéyuán Summer Palace
听说 tīngshuō to hear it said that
一定要 yīdìng yào absolutely must
时尚 shíshàng fashionable
都市 dūshì city
等不及 děngbují can’t wait to
旅游胜地 lǚyóu shèngdì tourist site
风味小吃 fēngwèi xiǎochī local flavor snacks
导游 dǎoyóu guide
游客 yóukè tourist
自助游 zìzhùyóu do-it-yourself tour